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  1. Englands golden treasury: or, The true vade mecum : Being the most necessary and useful pocket-companion ever published; for the use and advantage of gentlemen, tradesmen, and others: furnished with variety of tables of accompt, trade, merchandize, merchants goods, weights and measures of all kinds, measuring timber, stone, building, acres of land, miles, &c. in all their circumstances. A table of constant tide in the havens of England, Scotland, Ireland, and adjacent parts. An exact table of the moveable terms and feasts for twelve years to come. Tables of interest, annuity, wages and expences: reducing pounds into pence, shillings, farthings, &c. with many rarities of divers natures. An exact catalogue of the fairs of England and Wales, more perfect than ever: also the market-towns and market-days, with the roads and post-miles; prises of post-letters and post-days: choice precedents of bills, bonds, and all manner of useful writings, with many other things very useful, profitable and necessary - [The fourth edition, with a continuation of divers matters, and many curious additions]

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    London: printed for T. Lacy, at the Golden Lyon in Southwark, 1699 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  2. C.P [Verfasser:in]

    The sheepherd's new kalender: or, The citizens & country man's daily companion : treating of most things that are useful, profitable, delightful, and advantageous to mankind. Being the thirty years study, and experience, of a learned sheepherd in the west of England

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    [London]: Printed by A.M. for J. Blare, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, 1700 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  3. Leeds, Daniel [Verfasser:in]

    An almanack for the year of Christian account 1687. Particularly respecting the meridian and latitude of Burlington, but may indifferently serve all places adjacent : by Daniel Leeds, student in agriculture

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    [S.l.]: Printed and sold by William Bradford, near Phildelphia, pro anno 1687, [1687] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  4. Gilbert, Samuel philomath [Verfasser:in]

    A sexennial diary, or an almanack for six years : containing certain astrological judgments for the said years, with several new and useful problems, very satisfactorily resolved in a manner more easie, and far different from any extant in any other almanack; particularly for finding the golden number, the epact, the moons age, her coming to south, the time of high water at any port, the cycle of the sun, dominical letter; roman indiction, what day of the week the first day of any moneth happens for ever, how long the moon shines when she riseth and setteth, with all her quarters. All of them by sure and short rules for ever. To which are added 9 large tables for all vertical declining dyals speedy drawing, with directions at large for the use of them. Price 6d. By Samuel Gilbert, Philomath

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    London: printed for the Company of Stationers, 1683 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  5. Briefe and woorthy notes to bee obse[rve]d whereby many olde errours may bee reformed in our chronicles and computations, which have growne by mistaking the beginning of the yeare

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    [S.l: s.n, 1681] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  6. A. F [Verfasser:in]

    A new prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1674 : Being the second after leap-year. Wherein is contained the whole estate of the year in general, together with the eclipses of the sun and moon; as also some predictions of the four seasons of the year: and by what planets the year is governed; with the changes of the moon, and daily disposition of the weather. As also, the whole fairs of Scotland; with a ready table shewing the age of the moon every day throughout this year; serving most fitly for our ancient kingdom, but more properly for the honorable city of Edinburgh. Whose longitude is 21 d. 50 m. latitude 56 d. 4 m. By A. F. philomathet

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    Edinburgh: [s.n.], printed for the year 1674 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  7. D. E [Verfasser:in]

    A new prognostication for the year of Christ 1670 : Being the second after bissextile or leap-year. Wherein are contained the moveable feasts, and a certain description of the ecclipses, and four quarters of this year 1670. The exact hour and min. of the new moon, her full and quarters. The dayly disposition of the weather. A table shewing the age of the moon every day, with the whole fairs of Scotland. Calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of Glasgow. By D.E

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    Glasgow: printed by Robert Sanders, and are to be sold in his shop, 1670 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  8. Heathcott, William [Verfasser:in]

    Annus ab incarnatione domini. 1665. An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1665 : Being the first from bissextile or leap-year. Containing the apparent motion of the sun, with his rising and setting every day in the year. A compendious chronology, and a monthly dietary: with other matters both pleasant and profitable. Calculated for the meridian of the town of Derby, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 53 deg. 6 min. By William Heathcott

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    London: printed by William Godbid for the Company of Stationers, 1665 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  9. Goldisborough, John [Verfasser:in]

    Goldisborough. 1662 An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1662 : Being the second from bissextile or leap year, fand from the creation, 5611. Wherein is contained, many usefull, pleasant and necessary observations and predictions: amongst the rest you may behold the state of the whole year, the eclipses, great conjunctions and mutual aspects of the planets; together with their places in every moneth. Calculated (according to art) for the meridian and latitude of the most honourable City of London, whose situation is in longitude 24 degrees 20 minutes, and in latitude 51 degrees 32 minutes, and without sensible error may serve for any part of great [sic] Brittain. By John Goldisborough, Gent. student in astrology and physick

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    London: printed for the Company of Stationers, 1662 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  10. Wharton, George Sir [Verfasser:in]

    Hemeroscopeion : or a new almanack after the old fashion, for the yeare of our redemption 1649. Being the first after the bissextile, or leap-yeare: and from the creation, 5598. Containing a compendious chronology of all the battailes, seiges, and other remarkable conflicts, which have happened in this kingdome, since the beginning of the rebellion; with other notes, and astrologicall observations, necessary and fit for such a worke. Calculated and composed for the latitude and meridian of the famous borough of Kirby-Kendall in the county of Westmorland. By Capt. George Wharton stud. in astronomy

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    [London?: s.n.], printed for the author in the yeare, 1649 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  11. Atlee, Richard [Verfasser:in]

    Ephemeris, sive Almanack : or, A diurnall of the yeare, from the birth of our Lord Christ, 1647. Being the third after the bissextile, or leap-yeare. Calculated properly for the City of London, whose longitude is 24. degrees [illegible]. Its latitude from the equator, and elevation of the pole artick, being 51. degrees 32. minutes. But it may serve for any part of this kingdome. Composed by Richard Atlee, student in physick

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    London: Printed by John Dawson, for the Company of Stationers, [1647] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  12. Wharton, George Sir [Verfasser:in]

    No Merline, nor Mercury: but a new almanack after the old fashion, for the year of our redemption, 1648. Being the bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the creation, 5597 : Containing a compendious chronlogy of all the battles, sieges, and other remarkable conflicts, which have happened in this kingdom, since the beginning of these unhappy troubles; with other notes necessary for such a work. Calculated and composed for the latitude and meridian of the famous burrough of Kirby-Kendall in the County of of Westmorland. By Capt. George Wharton, student in astronomy

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    [S.l: s.n.], Printed for the author, in the year, 1648 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  13. Pont, J. [Verfasser:in]

    A register : or a generall almanack for every yeare. Containing an introduction to the knowledge of yearely almanacks. With many usefull, pleasant and necessary observations both fit and easie to be understood by all persons

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    London: Printed by William Wilson, for the Company of Stationers, 1646 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  14. The shepheards kalender : Here beginneth the kalender of shepheards. Newly augmented and corrected

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    Printed at London: For Thomas Adams, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Bell, 1618 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  15. The shepheards kalender : Here beginneth the kalender of shepheards - [Newly augmented and corrected]

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    Printed at London: for Thomas Adams, dvvelling in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the white Lyon, 1611 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  16. The shepheards kalender : Here beginneth the kalender of shepheards - [Newly augmented and corrected]

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    Printed at London: By G. Elde for Thomas Adams, dwelling in Paules church-yard at the signe of the white Lion, 1604 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO