@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Feldtkeller, Andreas AND Zeuge-Buberl, Uta Franz Steiner Verlag },
title = { Networks of knowledge epistemic entanglement initiated by American protestant missionary presence in 19th century Syria },
edition = { 1. Auflage } ,
publisher = {Franz Steiner Verlag},
publisher = {},
isbn = {9783515119740},
keywords = { American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission , Arabic Printing , History , Lebanon , Mission , Ottoman Empire , Syria , knowledge , American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions , Syrien , Wissensvermittlung , Geschichte 1820-1900 },
year = {[2018]},
year = {, © 2018},
booktitle = {Missionsgeschichtliches Archiv ; Band 28},
booktitle = {Geschichte},
address = { Stuttgart , },
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