@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Buchwitz, Michael AND Reuter, Maximilian AND Schneising, Oliver AND Noël, Stefan AND Gier, Bettina AND Bovensmann, Heinrich AND Burrows, John P. AND Boesch, Hartmut AND Anand, Jasdeep AND Parker, Robert J. AND Somkuti, Peter AND Detmers, Rob G. AND Hasekamp, Otto P. AND Aben, Ilse AND Butz, André AND Kuze, Akihiko AND Suto, Hiroshi AND Yoshida, Yukio AND Crisp, David AND Dell, Christopher },
title = { Computation and analysis of atmospheric carbon dioxide annual mean growth rates from satellite observations during 2003–2016 },
publisher = {},
isbn = {1680-7324},
year = {7 December 2018},
abstract = {Gesehen am 21.10.2019},
address = { },
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