@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { International Association of Agricultural Economists Wossink, Grada A. AND Van Kooten, Gerrit Cornelis AND Peters, George Henry },
title = { Economics of agro-chemicals an international overview of use patterns, technical and institutional determinants, policies and perspectives; selected papers of the Symposium of the International Association of Agricultural Economists held at Wageningen, The Netherlands, 24 - 8 April 1996 },
publisher = {Ashgate},
isbn = {1840140844},
keywords = { 24.04.1996 , Agrochemikalie , Welt , Agricultural chemicals Congresses , Agricultural chemicals Economic aspects Congresses , Agricultural chemicals industry Government policy Congresses },
year = {1998},
abstract = {Includes bibliographies and index},
abstract = {Enth. 26 Beitr.},
address = { Aldershot, Hants, England },
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