@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Strauss, Richard Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden AND Sächsischer Staatsopernchor Dresden AND Arthaus Musik GmbH Thielemann, Christian AND Kellinghaus, André AND Kellinghaus, André AND Herzog, Jens-Daniel AND Mancini, Tiziano AND Nylund, Camilla AND Pohl, Christoph AND Behle, Daniel AND Borčev, Nikolaj E. AND Zeppenfeld, Georg },
title = { Capriccio },
publisher = {Arthaus Musik GmbH},
publisher = {},
keywords = { Film , Blu-Ray-Disc , Operninszenierung Deutschland 2021 },
year = {[2022]},
year = {, © 2022},
abstract = {Operninszenierung. Deutschland. 2021},
address = { [Halle (Saale)] , },
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