@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { United States Congress Senate AND United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Abbott, Ira H.A AND Bamber, Millard J. AND Beard, Albert P. AND Beij, K. Hilding AND Brooks, Donal B. AND Castleman, R.A AND Clay, William C. AND Dryden, Hugh Latimer AND Freeman, Hugh B. AND Freeman, Ira Maximilian AND Garlock, E.A AND Gelalles, A.G AND Harris, Thomas A. AND Jacobs, Eastman N. AND Klikoff, W.A AND Lee, Dana W. AND Marsh, E.T AND McAvoy, William H. AND Monish, B.H AND Rothrock, A.M AND Young, Alfred W. AND Waldron, C.D AND Wenzinger, Carl Joseph AND Zimmerman, Charles Horton AND Wood, Donald H. AND Weick, Fred E. AND Stickle, George W. AND Pearson, Henry A. AND Wheatley, John B. AND Shortal, Joseph Adams AND Schey, Oscar W. AND Upson, Ralph Hazlett AND Rhode, Richard V. AND Noyes, Richard W. AND Theodorsen, Theodore AND Rollin, Vern Gordon AND Oswald, W. Bailey AND Peck, William C. },
title = { Aeronautics. Eighteenth annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1932. Including Technical Reports Nos. 401 to 440 },
publisher = {},
year = {1933},
abstract = {A method for computing leading-edge loads, by Richard V. Rhode and Henry A. Pearson [No. 413], p. 249},
abstract = {Aircraft speed instruments, by K. Hilding Beij [No. 420], p. 381},
abstract = {Appendix, p. 237},
abstract = {Application of practical hydrodynamics to airship design, by Ralph H. Upson and W.A. Klikoff [No. 405], p. 123},
abstract = {Characteristics of Clark Y airfoils of small aspect ratios, by C.H. Zimmerman [No. 431], p. 581},
abstract = {Combustion in a high-speed compression-ignited engine, by A.M. Rothrock [No. 401], p. 63},
abstract = {Drop and flight tests on NY-2 landing gears including measurements of vertical velocities at landing, by W.C. Peck and A.P. Beard [No. 406], p. 141},
abstract = {Effect of orifice length-diameter ratio on fuel sprays for compression-ignition engines, by A.G. Gelalles [No. 402], p. 79},
abstract = {Experiments on the distribution of fuel in fuel sprays, by Dana W. Lee [No. 438], p. 703},
abstract = {Force measurements on a 1/40-scale model of the U.S. airship Akron, by Hugh B. Freeman [No. 432], p. 591},
abstract = {Fuel vaporization and its effect on combustion in a high-speed compression-ignition engine, by A.M. Rothrock and C.D. Waldron [No. 435], p. 629},
abstract = {General formulas and charts for the calculation of airplane performance, by W. Bailey Oswald [No. 408], p. 163},
abstract = {Ice prevention on aircraft by means of engine exhaust heat and a technical study of heat transmission from a Clark Y airfoil, by Theodore Theodorsen and William C. Clay [No. 403], p. 91},
abstract = {Lift and drag characteristics and gliding performance of an autogiro as determined in flight, by John B. Wheatley [No. 434], p. 621},
abstract = {Measurement of the differential and total thrust and torque of six full-scale adjustable-pitch propellers, by George W. Stickle [No. 421], p. 437},
abstract = {Measurements of flow in the boundary layer of a 1/40-scale model of the U.S. airship Akron, by Hugh B. Freeman [No. 430], p. 567},
abstract = {Preliminary investigation of modifications to conventional airplanes to give nonstalling and short-landing characteristics, by Fred E. Weick [No. 418], p. 343},
abstract = {Pressure distribution tests on a series of Clark Y biplane cellules with special reference to stability, by Richard W. Noyes [No. 417], p. 315},
abstract = {Rates of fuel discharge as affected by the design of fuel-injection systems for internal-combustion engines, by A.G. Gelalles and E.T. Marsh [No. 433], p. 607},
abstract = {Table of contents, p. VII},
abstract = {Tests of nacelle-propeller combinations in various positions with reference to wings. Part I. Thick wing -- N.A.C.A. cowled nacelle-tractor propeller, by Donald H. Wood [No. 415], p. 277},
abstract = {Tests on nacelle-propeller combinations in various positions with reference to wings. II. -- Thick wing -- various radial-engine cowlings -- tractor propeller, by Donald H. Wood [No. 436], p. 653},
abstract = {The 7 by 10 foot wind tunnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, by Thomas A. Harris [No. 412], p. 241},
abstract = {The N.A.C.A. apparatus for studying the formation and combustion of fuel sprays and the results from preliminary tests, by A.M. Rothrock [No. 429], p. 549},
abstract = {The N.A.C.A. variable-density wind tunnel, by Eastman N. Jacobs and Ira H. Abbott [No. 416], p. 305},
abstract = {The characteristics of a Clark Y wing model equipped with several forms of low-drag fixed slots, by Fred E. Weick and Carl J. Wenzinger [No. 407], p. 155},
abstract = {The effect of area and aspect ratio on the yawing moments of rudders at large angles of pitch on three fuselages, by Hugh L. Dryden and B.H. Monish [No. 437], p. 693},
abstract = {The effect of humidity on engine power at altitude, by D.B. Brooks and E.Z. Garlock [No. 426], p. 523},
abstract = {The effect of increased carburetor pressure on engine performance at several compression ratios, by Oscar W. Schey and Vern G. Rollin [No. 404], p. 113},
abstract = {The effect of multiple fixed slots and a trailing-edge flap on the lift and drag of a Clark Y airfoil, by Fred E. Weick and Joseph A. Shortal [No. 427], p. 531},
abstract = {The effect of nozzle design and operating conditions on the atomization and distribution of fuel sprays, by Dana W. Lee [No. 425], p. 505},
abstract = {The effect on airplane performance of the factors that must be considered in applying low-drag cowling to radial engines, by William H. McAvoy, Oscar W. Schey, and Alfred W. Young [No. 414], p. 259},
abstract = {The elimination of fire hazard due to back fires, by Theodore Theodorsen and Ira M. Freeman [No. 409], p. 211},
abstract = {The mechanism of atomization accompanying solid injection, by R.A. Castleman, Jr. [No. 440], p. 735},
abstract = {The theory of wind-tunnel wall interference, by Theodore Theodorsen [No. 410], p. 219},
abstract = {Theory of wing sections of arbitrary shape, by Theodore Theodorsen [No. 411], p. 229},
abstract = {Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices, particularly at high angles of attack. I. -- Ordinary ailerons on rectangular wings, by Fred E. Weick and Carl J. Wenzinger [No. 419], p. 357},
abstract = {Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices, particularly at high angles of attack. II. -- Slotted ailerons and Frise ailerons, by Fred E. Weick and Richard W. Noyes [No. 422], p. 457},
abstract = {Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices, particularly at high angles of attack. III. -- Ordinary ailerons rigged up 10 [degrees] when neutral, by Fred E. Weick and Carl J. Wenzinger [No. 423], p. 471},
abstract = {Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices, particularly at high angles of attack. IV. -- Floating tip ailerons on rectangular wings, by Fred E. Weick and Thomas A. Harris [No. 424], p. 481},
abstract = {Wind-tunnel research comparing lateral control devices, particularly at high angles of attack. V. -- Spoilers and ailerons on rectangular wings, Fred E. Weick and Joseph A. Shortal [No. 439], p. 719},
abstract = {Wind-tunnel tests of a Clark Y wing with a narrow auxiliary airfoil in different positions, by Fred E. Weick and Millard J. Bamber [No. 428], p. 537},
abstract = {© 2007 by NewsBank, Inc. All rights reserved},
booktitle = {United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 9667},
booktitle = {Senate document / 72nd Congress, 2nd session. Senate ; no. 143},
address = { Washington, DC },
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