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  1. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]; Friedmann, Herbert [Verfasser:in] ; Ridgway, Robert [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The Birds of North and Middle America / 8, Family jacanidae - the jacanas. Family oedicnemidae - the thick-knees. [u.a.]



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    Washington: Gov. Print. Off., 1919

    Erschienen in: The Birds of North and Middle America / Robert Ridgway; Herbert Friedmann ; 8 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,8

  2. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 7, Family Cuculidæ, family Psittacidæ, family Columbidæ



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    Washington: Government Printing Office, 1916

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 7 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,7

  3. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 1, Family Fringillidæ - the finches



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    Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 1 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,1

  4. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 3, Family Motacillidæ - the wagtails an pipits, family Hirundinidæ - the swallows, family Amperlidæ - the waxwings, family Ptilogonatidæ - the silky flycatchers, family Dulidæ - the palm chats, family Vireonidæ - the vireos, family Laniidæ - the shrikes, family Corvidæ - the crowns and jays, family Paridæ - the titmice, family Sittidæ - the nuthatches, family Certhiidæ - the creepers, family Troglodytidæ - thre wrens, family Cinclidæ - the dippers, family Chamæidæ - the wren-tis, family Silviidæ - the warblers



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    Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 3 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,3

  5. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 6, Family Picidæ - the woodpeckers, family Capitonidæ - the barbets, family Ramphastidæ - the toucans, family Bocconidæ - the puff birds, family Galbulidæ - the jacamars, family Alcedinidæ - the kingsfishers, family Todidæ - the todies, family Momotidæ - the motmots, family Caprimulgidæ - the goatsuckers, family Nyctibiidæ - the potoos, family Tytonidæ - the barn owls, family Bubonidæ - the eared owls



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    Washington: Government Printing Office, 1914

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 6 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,6

  6. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 5, Family Pteroptochidæ - the tapaculos, family Formicariidæ - the antbirds, family Furnariidæ - the ovenbirds, family Dendrocolaptidæ - the woodhewers, family Trochilidæ - the humming birds, family Micropodidæ - the swifts, family Trogonidæ - the trogons



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    Washington: Government Printing Office, 1911

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 5 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,5

  7. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 2, Family Tanagridæ - the tanagers, family Icteridæ - the troupials, family Cœrebidæ - the honey creepers, family Mniotiltidæ - the wood warblers



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    Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 2 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,2

  8. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 4, Family Turdidæ - thrushes, family Zeledoniidæ - wren-thrushes, family Mimidæ - mockingbirds, family Sturnidæ - starlings, family Ploceidæ - weaver birds, family Alaudidæ - larks, family Oxyruncidæ -sharp-bills, family Tyrannidæ - tyrant flycatchers, family Pipridæ - manakins, family Cotingidæ - chatterers



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    Washington: Government Printing Office, 1907

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 4 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,4

  9. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]; Friedmann, Herbert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 10, Family Cracidae - the curassows, guans and chachalacas, family Tetraonidae - the grouse, ptarmigan, etc., family Phasianidae - the American quails, partridges, and pheasants, family Numididae - the guineafowls, family Meleagrididae - the turkeys



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    Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1946

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 10 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,10

  10. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]; Friedmann, Herbert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America / Part 9, Family Gruidae - the cranes, family Rallidae - the rails, coots, and gallinules, family Heliornithedae - the sun-grebes, family Eurypygidae - the sun-bitterns



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    Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1941

    Erschienen in: The birds of North and Middle America / by Robert Ridgway, curator, Division of Birds ; 9 - United States National Museum: Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum ; 50,9

  11. Ridgway, Robert [Verfasser:in]; Friedmann, Herbert [Verfasser:in]

    The birds of North and Middle America : a descriptive catalogue of the higher groups, genera, species, and subspecies of birds known to occur in North America, from the Arctic lands to the Isthmus of Panama, the West Indies and other islands of the Caribbean Sea, and the Galapagos Archipelago



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    Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901-1950

    Erschienen in: Bulletin of the United States National Museum ; no. 50

  12. Meek, Fielding B. [Verfasser:in] ; Hall, James [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Ridgway, Robert [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]


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    Washington: Gov. Print Off., 1877 ; Online-Ausg., Freiberg: Universitätsbibliothek; Dresden: SLUB, 2018

    Erschienen in: King, Clarence: Report of the geological exploration of the fortieth parallel. ; 4 - USA: Professional papers of the Engineer Department ; 18,4