%0 Generic
%T NATIONAL ANTHEMS OF EUROPE, Vol. 2 (European Philharmonic)
%A European Philharmonic Orchestra
%A Albrecht, Charles Komponist
%A Baumanis, Karlis Komponist
%A Brusilovsky, Yevgeny Komponist
%A Cristea, Alexandru Komponist
%A Erkel, Ferenc Komponist
%A Heeney, Patrick Komponist
%A Kearney, Peadar Komponist
%A Kudirka, Vincas Komponist
%A Mantzaros, Nikolaos Halikiopoulos Komponist
%A Mengjiqi, Mehdi Komponist
%A Novaro, Michele Komponist
%A Paliashvili, Zakharia Komponist
%A Sammut, Robert Komponist
%A Skalovski, Todor Komponist
%A Sveinbjornsson, Sveinbjorn Komponist
%A Tulebayev, Mukan Komponist
%A Zinnen, Jean-Antoine Komponist
%I Cat Music & More
%K 20. Jahrhundert
%K Romantik
%K Musik Computer- und Netzwerkressourcen
%K Orchestermusik
%D 180322
%X Streaming audio.
%X Georgia [Tavisupleba (Liberty), "My icon is my motherland…"] (short) 00:00:56 -- Greece [Imnos Eis Tin Eleftherian (Hymn to Freedom), "I shall always recognise you…"] 00:02:11 -- Hungary [Himnusz (Hymn), "God Bless the Hungarians with good cheer…"] (version for orchestra) 00:01:37 -- Iceland [Lofsongur (Song of Praise), "O God of our land…"] 00:01:32 -- Ireland [Amhran Na BhFiann (The Soldier's Song), "Soldiers are we…"] 00:03:46 -- Italy [Il Canto degli Italiani (The Song of the Italians), "Italian Brother, Italy has awakened…"] 00:02:15 -- Kazakhstan [Qazaqstan Respy'bli'kasynyn' Memlekettik A'nurany (National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan), "We are brave people, children of honesty …"] 00:01:09 -- Kosovo [Europe (National Anthem of Kosovo), "O beloved motherland …"] 00:00:55 -- Latvijas Valsts Himna (Latvian State Anthem), "Dievs, sveti Latviju" (Bless Latvia, O God, our verdant native earth) (Latvia) 00:00:48 -- Liechtenstein [Oben am jungen Rhein (High on the young Rhine), "High on the young Rhine Lies Liechtenstein, resting… "] 00:00:57 -- Lithuania [Tautiska Giesme (National Song), "Lithuania, land of heroes…"] 00:01:01 -- Luxembourg (National) [Ons Heemecht - Hymne National, "Where the Alzette water fields…"] 00:02:02 -- Macedonia ["Today over Macedonia a new sun of freedom rises…"] 00:01:15 -- Malta [L-Innu Malti (The Maltese Hymn), "Lil din l-art ħelwa, l-Omm li tatna isimha …"] 00:01:06 -- Moldova [Limba noastra (Our Language), "A treasure is our language that surges …"] 00:01:02 -- Monaco [Le Marche de Monaco (The March of Monaco), "Principality of Monaco, my country…"] 00:00:50 -- Montenegro ["O the bright dawn of May our mother Montenegro …"] 00:00:53 --
%C Cat Music & More
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