%0 Generic
%T P2‐215: Aggregation of Aß42 is strongly influenced by Gly33 of the GxxxG motif and an inhibitor peptide which mimics Gly33 substitutions
%A Harmeier, Anja
%A Gensler, Manuel
%A Barucker, Christian
%A Rost, Benjamin
%A Zhuang, W.
%A Beyermann, Michael
%A Hildebrand, Peter W.
%A Schmitz, Dietmar
%A Lurz, Rudi
%A Rabe, Jürgen P.
%A Multhaup, Gerd
%I Wiley
%@ 1552-5260
%@ 1552-5279
%K Psychiatry and Mental health
%K Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
%K Geriatrics and Gerontology
%K Neurology (clinical)
%K Developmental Neuroscience
%K Health Policy
%K Epidemiology
%D 2011
%C Wiley
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