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  1. Elizabeth I Queen of England [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft] ; England and Wales Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I)

    By the Queene. A proclamation against sundry abuses practised by diuers lewd & audacious persons falsly naming themselues messengers of her Maiesties Chamber, trauelling from place to place with writings counterfeited in forme of warrants : as also against another sort of vagabond persons that carrie counterfeit pasports wherewith to begge and gather almes

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    [Imprinted at London: By the deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, 1596] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  2. Scotland Privy Council, Scotland Sovereign (1649-1685 : Charles II)

    Edinburgh, May 14. 1679 : Forasmuch as his Majesty by a proclamation of the fourth of this instant, did, for the horrid discovery of the murther of the late Archbishop of St. Andrews, require and command all the heretors and masters of Fyfe and Kinross, to being their tenents, cottars, and servants, and others dwelling on their lands, to the respective places and tyets therein mentioned

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    Edinburgh: Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to his most excellent Majesty, Anno ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  3. Manley, Thomas [Verfasser:in]

    The clerks guide : leading into three parts, viz. I. Of indentures, leases, &c., II. Letters of attorney, warrants of attorney, mortgages, licences, charter-parties, &c., III. Bills, answers, replications, rejoynders in chancery, &c., under which are comprehended the most unusual forms of clerkship : to which is added, a fourth part of fines, recoveries, statutes, recognisances, judgements, &c. distresses and replevins : illustrated with cases, and the statutes relating to the same

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    London: Printed by John Streater, Henry Twyford, and E. Flesher, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, Esquires, 1672 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  4. Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; J. H [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The Young clerk's tutor enlarged : being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. as also all the names of men and women in Latin ... together with directions of writs of habeas corpus ... to which is annexed, several of the best copies both of court and chancery hand now extant - [The thirteenth edition]

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    London: Printed for, and are to be sold by Thomas Basset ... and Edmund Pawlet, 1693 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  5. Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Hawkins, John [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The Young clerk's tutor enlarged : being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c : as also all the names of men and women in Latin ... together with directions of writs of habeas corpus ... to which is annexed, several of the best copies both of court and chancery hand now extant - [The twelfth editon]

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    London: Printed for, and are to be sold by Thomas Basset ... and George Pawlet, 1689 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  6. Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Hawkins, John [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The Young clerk's tutor enlarged : being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c : as also all the names of men and women in Latin ... together with directions of writs of habeas corpus ... to which is annexed, several of the best copies both of court and chancery-hands now extant - [The eighth editon]

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    London: Printed for, and are to be sold by Thomas Basset ... and Robert Pawlet, 1675 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  7. Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Hawkins, John [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The Young clerk's tutor enlarged : being useful collections of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c : as also all the names of men and women in Latin ... together with directions of writs of habeas corpus ... to which is annexed, several of the best copies both of court and chancery-hands now extant - [The sixth editon]

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    London: Printed for, and are to be sold by Thomas Basset ... and Robert Pawlet, 1670 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  8. Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; J. H [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The Young clerks tutor : being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. as also all the names of men and women in Latin ... together with directions of writs of habeas corpus ... : in this last impression is also added several of the best copies of court and chancery hands now extant

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    London: Printed by J. Streate and are to be sold by Robert Crofts, 1664 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  9. Covert, Nicholas [Verfasser:in] ; Bohun, William [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The scrivener's guide : being choice and approved forms of presidents of all sorts of business now in use and practice, in a much better method than any yet printed, being useful for all gentlemen, but chiefly for those who practice the law, viz. assignments, articles of agreement, acquittances, bargains and sale, bills, conditions, copartnerships, covenants, deeds, defeazances, grants, joyntures, indentures, letters of attorny, licenses, obligations, provisoes, presidents for parish business, releases, revocations, wills, warrants of attorny, &c - [The second edition]

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    London: Printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins ... for Charles Harper, 1700 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  10. Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; J. H [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The Young clerks tutor : being a most useful collection of the best precedents of recognizances, obligations, with all sorts of conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. : as also all the names of men and women in Latin, their additions in their proper cases, the day of the date, and the several sums of money : together with directions of writs, the several trades and imployments, and the returns of the terms : and many other things very necessary, and readily fitting every mans occasion - [The second edition]

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    London: Printed for Robert Crofts, 1663 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  11. A Help to a national reformation : an abstract of the penal-laws against prophaneness and vice, a form of the warrants issued out upon offenders against the said laws, a blank register of such warrants, prudential rules for the giving of informations to the magistrates in these cases, and a specimen of an agreement for the forming of a society for reformation of manners in any city, town, or larger village of the kingdom : to which are added His Majesty's proclamations for preventing and punishing immorality and prophaneness, and the late act of Parliament against prophane cursing and swearing

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    London: Printed for D. Brown ... B. Aylmer ... T. Parkhurst ... [and 9 others], 1700 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  12. Hawkins, John [Verfasser:in] ; Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The young clerk's tutor enlarged : being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorny, &c. : as also all the names of men and women in Latin, with the day of the date, the several sums of mony, and the addition of the several trades or employments, in their proper cases, as they stand in the obligations : together with directions of writs of habeas corpus, writs of error, &c. to the inferior courts in cities and towns : likewise the best presidents of all manner of concords of fines, and directions how to sue out a fine, with many judicious observations therein : with many other things very necessary and readily fitting every mans occasion, as by an exact table of what [is] contained in this book will appear : to which is annexed several of the best copies both of court and chancery hand now extant - [The fourteenth edition]

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    London: Printed for and are to be sold by William Battersby ... and Ed[ward] Pawlet, [1700] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  13. Cocker, Edward [Verfasser:in]

    The young clerk's tutor enlarged : being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. : as also all the names of men and women in Latin with the day of the date, the several sums of money, and the addition of the several trades or employments, in their proper cases, as they stand in the obligations : together with directions of writs of Habeas Corpus, writs or error, &c. to the inferiour courts in cities and towns : likewise the best presidents of all manner of concords of fines, and directions how to sue out a fine : with many judicious observations therein : with many other things very necessary, and readily fitting every man's occasion : as by an exact table of what us contained in this book, will appear : to which is annexed, several of the best copies both court and chancery-hand now extant - [The ninth edition]

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    London: Printed for, and are to be sold by Thomas Basset ..., and Robert Pawlet, 1680 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  14. Hawkins, John [Verfasser:in] ; Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The young clerks tutor : being a most usefull collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. As also, all the names of men and women in Latin; with the day of the date, the several sums of money, and the addition of the several trades or employments, in their proper cases, as they stand in the obligations. Together with directions of writs of Habeas Corpus, writs of error, &c. to the inferiour courts in cities and towns; the whole work newly corrected and augmented. Likewise, the best presidents of all manner of concords of fines, and directions how to sue out a fine; with many judicious observations therein. With many other things very necessary, and readily fitting every mans occasion; as by an exact table, of what is cotained in this book, more plainly will appear

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    London: printed by John Streater, James Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, esquires, anno Dom. 1668 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  15. Hawkins, John [Verfasser:in] ; Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The young clerk's tutor enlarged : being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorny, &c. : as also all the names of men and women in Latin, with the day of the date, the several sums of mony, and the addition of the several trades or employments, in their proper cases, as they stand in the obligations : together with directions of writs of habeas corpus, writs of error, &c., to the inferior courts in cities and towns : likewise the best presidents of all manner of concords of fines, and directions how to sue out a fine, with many judicious observations therein : with many other things very necessary, and readily fitting every mans occasion, as by an exact table of what is contained in this book, will appear : to which is annexed, several of the best copies both court and chancery-hand now extant - [The eleventh edition]

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    London: Printed for, and are to be sold by Thomas Basset ... and Geroge Pawlet, 1685 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  16. Hawkins, John [Verfasser:in] ; Cocker, Edward [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The young clerk's tutor enlarged : being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. : as also all the names of men and women in Latin ... the several sums of money, and the addition of the several trades or employments, in their proper cases, as they stand in the obligations : together with directions of writs of habeas corpus, writs of error, &c. to the inferiour courts in cities and town : likewise the best presidents of all manner of concords of fines, and directions how to sue out a fine ... : with ... an exact table of what is contained in this book ... : to which is annexed, several of the best copies both court and chancery-hand now extant - [The tenth edition]

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    London: Printed for, and are to be sold by Thomas Basset ... and Robert Pawlet, 1682 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  17. Petrie, Murray [Verfasser:in]; Rab, Habib [Verfasser:in]

    Timor-Leste : Public Investment Management from Post-Conflict Reconstruction to the 2011-2020 Strategic Development Plan

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    World Bank, Washington, DC, 2011

    Erschienen in: The Power of Public Investment Management