%0 Book
%T Das System der Entwicklungshilfen
%A Hesse, Kurt
%I Duncker & Humblot
%K Technical assistance
%K Economic assistance
%K Finance Developing countries
%K Entwicklungspolitik Entwicklungshilfe Organisationen
%K Trikont
%K UN UNESCO International Labor Organisation <ILO> UN Food and Agriculture Organisation <FAO> WHO Weltbank General Agreement of Tarifs and Trades <GATT> Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development <OECD> NATO Central Treaty Organization <CENTO> South-East Asia Treaty Organization <SEATO> Oragnisation of American States <OAS> COMECON
%K Entwicklungsorganisation
%K Entwicklungshilfe
%D 1969
%X Literaturangaben
%C Duncker & Humblot
%C Berlin
%U http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2
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