@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Memlingmuseum Brügge AND Brügge AND Exposition De Hans Memling à Pierre Pourbus 1998 Brügge Martens, Maximiliaan P. J. },
title = { Bruges and the Renaissance Memling to Pourbus; [the Exposition "From Hans Memling to Pierre Pourbus", organized by the City of Bruges and the Municipal Museums ... Bruges, Memlingmuseum - Oud-Sint-Janshospitaal, 15 August - 6 December 1998] },
publisher = {Ludion [u.a.]},
keywords = { Ausstellungskatalog 1998 Brügge , Brügge , Kunst , Geschichte 1480-1580 , Renaissance },
year = {19XX-},
abstract = {Niederländ. Ausg. u.d.T.: Brugge en de Renaissance},
address = { Brugge },
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