@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Donizetti, Gaetano AND Cammarano, Salvatore Ambrosian Opera Chorus AND Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Van Allan, Richard AND Mackerras, Charles AND Sills, Beverly AND Glossop, Peter AND Wolff, Beverly AND Ilosfalvy, Robert AND MacDonald, Kenneth AND Garrard, Don AND Howell, Gwynne },
title = { Roberto Devereux Elizabeth and Essex },
publisher = {ABC Records},
year = {P 1974},
abstract = {Interpr.: Beverly Sills [Sopr Elizabeth]. Peter Glossop [Bar Duke of Nottingham]. Beverly Wolff [Msopr Sara]. Robert Ilosfalvy [Ten Robert Devereux]. Kenneth MacDonald [Ten Lord Cecil]. Don Garrard [Bass Sir Walter Raleigh]. Gwynne Howell [Bass Page]. Richard Van Allan [Bass Servant of Nottingham]. - Aufn.: London, 1969},
booktitle = {ABC audio treasury},
address = { New York, NY },
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