@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Marini, Giovanna Schleier, Irmgard AND Schlüter, Carola AND Jochens, Wilfried AND Sturm, Wolf André },
title = { Requiem cantata delle cinque stanze },
publisher = {Zweitausendeins},
keywords = { Schallplatte },
year = {1986},
abstract = {Introito},
abstract = {Coro di Orgosolo},
abstract = {Kyrie},
abstract = {I. Stanza, Il fame - Der Hunger},
abstract = {II. Stanza, La sete - Der Durst},
abstract = {III. Stanza, La guerra - Der Krieg},
abstract = {IV. Stanza, Il freddo - Die Kälte},
abstract = {V. Stanza},
abstract = {Recordare},
abstract = {Lacrimosa},
address = { Frankfurt am Main },
url = { http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2 }
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