@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Geibel, Margrit-Ann AND Rotter, Nicole AND Weiss, Johannes Martin AND Bommer, Martin AND Hoffmann, Lukas AND Röder, Christoph Maximilian },
title = { Erkrankungen der Mundschleimhaut in der zahnärztlichen Praxis },
publisher = {Lehmanns Media},
publisher = {},
isbn = {9783865416117},
keywords = { Mouth diseases , Mouth Pathology , Mouth Diseases , Mouth Mucosa , Stomatitis , Atlas , Mundschleimhautkrankheit },
year = {[2014]},
year = {, © 2014},
abstract = {Literaturverzeichnis S. 118 - 123},
address = { Berlin , },
url = { http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2 }
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