@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Lyon, David },
title = { Surveillance after Snowden },
publisher = {Polity},
isbn = {9780745690841},
isbn = {9780745690858},
keywords = { Snowden, Edward J. 1983- , Snowden, Edward J 1983- , United States / National Security Agency Officials and employees , Electronic surveillance United States , Electronic surveillance Moral and ethical aspects United States , Privacy, Right of United States , Electronic surveillance , Social control , Data protection , Civil rights , Privacy, Right of , Official secrets United States , Government information United States , Behörde , Geheimdienst , Elektronische Überwachung , Analyse , Terrorismus , Bekämpfung , Wirkung , Auswirkung , Beispiel , USA , Erde , Snowden, Edward J. , Sicherheitspolitik , Datenerfassung , Bürgerrecht , Überwachung },
year = {2015},
abstract = {Formerly CIP},
abstract = {Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke},
address = { Cambridge },
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