@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Cossyro, Michele Corà, Bruno },
title = { Michele Cossyro - black holes },
publisher = {Edizioni Kappabit},
isbn = {9788890586415},
isbn = {8890586419},
keywords = { Bildband , Ausstellungskatalog Complesso di Vicolo Valdina 03.03.2016-24.03.2016 Rom , Cossyro, Michele , Mosaik , Geschichte 2005-2015 },
year = {[2016]},
abstract = {Catalog of an exhibition held at the Complesso di Vicolo Valdina, Rome, Italy, March 3-24, 2016. - M. Cossyro (1944-), sculptor. - Includes bibliographical references},
address = { Rome },
url = { http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2 }
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