@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Donizetti, Gaetano Sembrich, Marcella AND Lyons, Darius },
title = { Lucia di Lammermoor "Mad Scene" [Il dolce suono... Ardon gl'incensi, Arie der Lucia aus dem 3. Akt, 2. Szene] },
publisher = {The Gramophone and Typewriter Ltd., and Sister Companies},
year = {[ca. 1906]},
abstract = {Interpr.: Marcella Sembrich, Soprano. Flute obligato by Darius Lyons. with Orch},
booktitle = {Gramophone Monarch Record},
address = { [S.l.] },
url = { http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2 }
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