@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Scaife, Laura },
title = { Social networks as the new frontier of terrorism #terror },
publisher = {Routledge,},
isbn = {9781315668680},
isbn = {9781317361831},
keywords = { Snowden, Edward J 1983- , Cyberterrorism Law and legislation , Online social networks Law and legislation , Terrorism Prevention Law and legislation , Internet and terrorism , Social media Law and legislation , Terrorists Social networks , National security Law and legislation , Snowden, Edward J ; 1983- , Cyberterrorism ; Law and legislation , Online social networks ; Law and legislation , Terrorism ; Prevention ; Law and legislation , Social media ; Law and legislation , Terrorists ; Social networks , National security ; Law and legislation },
year = {2017},
booktitle = {Routledge research in IT and E-commerce law},
address = { London },
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