Social networks as the new frontier of terrorism
%A Scaife, Laura
%I Routledge,
%@ 9781315668680
%@ 9781317361831
%K Snowden, Edward J 1983-
%K Cyberterrorism Law and legislation
%K Online social networks Law and legislation
%K Terrorism Prevention Law and legislation
%K Internet and terrorism
%K Social media Law and legislation
%K Terrorists Social networks
%K National security Law and legislation
%K Snowden, Edward J ; 1983-
%K Cyberterrorism ; Law and legislation
%K Online social networks ; Law and legislation
%K Terrorism ; Prevention ; Law and legislation
%K Social media ; Law and legislation
%K Terrorists ; Social networks
%K National security ; Law and legislation
%D 2017
%C Routledge,
%C London