%0 Generic
%T Plano de Puerto-Rico
%A Méndez, Francisco Ramón
%A López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás
%K Altkarte
%K Stadtplan
%K Puerto Rico
%K San Juan Puerto Rico
%D 1785
%X Below outer neat line, to the left, is the legend "Se hallará este con todas obras del autor [i.e. López] y las de su hijo en la Calle de Atocha, Frente de la Aduana vieja. Manz[ana] 159. Num. 3.". - A 14-line note at lower right of the main chart states it was made on orders given in December 1782 by Don Joseph de Pereda, captain of the warship San Juan Nepumuceno, when anchored in the harbor; it was originally the work of the ship's first piloto de numero, Don Francisco Ramón Méndez, and was "reducido" [i.e. composed] by Don Antonio Montenegro y Velasco, the second-in-command, from this survey, some reliance being placed on non-Spanish charts, as appears from the remark "Otros planos de menor consideracion de fuera del Reyno se tuvieron presentes.". - With a key numbering 27 features identified in it. - Inset [below in two compartments, one with the legend to the left of that with the plan]: [Celi, Francisco Mathias, fl. 1740] Plano de la Aguada nueva de Puerto-Rico [i.e. Mayagüez Bay]. - Engraved map. - Includes bibliographical references (Marcel, Le géographe Thomas Lopez, no. 175; BMPM 12/835). - Mit 2 graph. Maßstäben
%C Madrid
%U http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2
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