@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Ray, Man Palazzo Ducale Genua Guadagnini, Walter AND Pazzola, Giangavino },
title = { Man Ray, opere 1912-1975 },
publisher = {Dario Cimorelli editore},
isbn = {9791255610045},
keywords = { Ausstellungskatalog Palazzo Ducale, Genua 2023 Genua , Bildband , Ray, Man },
year = {[2023]},
abstract = {Catalog of an exhibition held at the Fondazione Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy, March 11-July 9, 2023},
abstract = {Ausstellungsdaten von der Webseite der Fondazione Palazzo Ducale ermittelt},
address = { Milano },
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