@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Chebet, Joy J. AND McMahon-Rössle, Shannon A. AND Tarumbiswa, Tapiwa AND Hlalele, Hlalele AND Maponga, Chivimbiso AND Mandara, Esther AND Ernst, Kacey AND Alaofe, Halimatou AND Bärnighausen, Till AND Ehiri, John E. AND Geldsetzer, Pascal AND Nichter, Mark },
title = { Motivations for pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake and decline in an HIV-hyperendemic setting findings from a qualitative implementation study in Lesotho },
publisher = {},
isbn = {1742-6405},
keywords = { Decline , Initiation , Lesotho , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) , Sub-Saharan Africa , Uptake },
year = {2023},
abstract = {Veröffentlicht: 06. Juli 2023},
abstract = {Gesehen am 04.08.2023},
address = { },
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