%0 Book
%T Chemicals and long-term economic growth insights from the chemical industry
%A Chemical Heritage Foundation
%A Arora, Ashish
%A Landau, Ralph
%A Rosenberg, Nathan
%I Wiley
%@ 0471182478
%@ 0471399620
%K Chemieindustrie
%K Technischer Fortschritt
%K Industriegeschichte
%K Welt
%K Deutschland
%K Großbritannien
%K Japan
%K Chemical industry Case studies
%K Chemical industry History
%K Chemical engineering History
%K Petroleum chemicals industry History
%K Chemical industry Technological innovations History
%K Economic development
%K Chemische Industrie
%K Technische Chemie
%K Wirtschaftswachstum
%K Technische Innovation
%K Geschichte
%D 1998
%X A Wiley-Interscience publication
%X Includes bibliographical references and index
%X Enth. 13 Beitr
%C Wiley
%C New York
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