@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Brescia AND Civica Pinacoteca Tosio-Martinengo Brescia Barovier, Marino AND Scarpa, Carlo },
title = { Carlo Scarpa i vetri di un architetto },
publisher = {Skira},
publisher = {: Brescia mostre},
isbn = {8881183056},
keywords = { Scarpa, Carlo , 1906-1978 , Exhibitions , Architect-designed glassware , Italy , History , 20th century , Glassware , Bildband , Konferenzschrift , Glasvase , Glas },
year = {1997},
year = {, 1997},
abstract = {Includes bibliographical references (p. 302-303)},
abstract = {On the production of glass objects by C. Scarpa (1906- 1978), architect, designer, painter and sculptor. - Issued in a case. - Contains bibliography and chronology},
address = { Mailand , ; Brescia },
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