Vestibular dysfunction and its therapy
10 tables
%A Büttner, Ulrich
%I Karger
%@ 3805567022
%K Vestibular apparatus Diseases Treatment
%K Labyrinth Ear Diseases Treatment
%K Nystagmus Treatment
%K Ménière's disease Treatment
%K Vertigo Treatment
%K Labyrinth Diseases therapy
%K Vestibular Diseases therapy
%K Vestibular Diseases physiopathology
%K Vestibule physiopathology
%K Aufsatzsammlung
%K Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Krankheit
%K Molekulargenetik
%K Vestibularapparat
%K Krankheit
%D c 1999
%X Includes bibliographical references and indexes
%C Karger
%C Basel