Basics architectural presentation
%A Bielefeld, Bert
%I Birkhäuser
%@ 3038215279
%@ 9783038215271
%K Architectural drawing Technique
%K Architecture Computer-aided design
%K Architectural models
%K Models and modelmaking Technique
%K Architecture Designs and plans Presentation drawings
%K Architectural photography
%K Architecture, Modern 20th century
%K Architekturdarstellung
%K Architekturzeichnung
%K Architekturmodell
%K Architekturfotografie
%D 2014
%X Freehand drawing : Basic principles of freehand drawing ; Tools and techniques ; Freehand drawing in architectural design ; Architectural drawing on site ; Further developmentTechnical drawing : Projection types ; Principles of representation ; Planning stages ; Plan presentation -- CAD : CAD: meaning and fields of application ; The virtual drawing board ; Drawing functions ; The third dimension ; Visualization ; Data flow ; System requirements ; Designing in dialogue with the computer -- Modelbuilding : the architectural model as a means of representation ; Types of models ; Design and concept development ; Equipment, tools and techniques ; Materials ; From drawing to model: steps and approaches -- Architectural photography : Introduction ; Fundamentals of photography ; The camera ; Image analysis ; The photograph ; Processing the image ; Image editing ; The architect and communications media -- Appendix : Guidelines, standards and checklists.
%C Birkhäuser
%C Basel