@book {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Schulz, Armin W. },
title = { Efficient cognition the evolution of representational decision making },
publisher = {The MIT Press},
publisher = {},
isbn = {9780262037600},
keywords = { Decision making , Human behavior , Behavioral assessment , Entscheidungsfindung , Verhaltensanalyse },
year = {[2018]},
year = {, © 2018},
abstract = {Register},
abstract = {Includes bibliographical references and index},
abstract = {Foundations. Investigating the evolution of representational decision making -- The nature and reality of representational decision making -- A moderate evolutionary psychology -- The evolution of representational decision making. The need for a new account of the evolution of representational decision making -- The evolution of cognitive representational decision making -- The evolution of conative representational decision making -- Applications. Extended representational decision making : a synthesis -- Specialist versus generalist decision making -- The psychological underpinnings of helping behaviors -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Index},
address = { Cambridge, Massachusetts , },
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