@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Jaeckel, Elmar AND Zehnter, Elmar AND Lutz, Thomas AND Carlebach, Amina AND Link, Ralph AND Teuber, Gerlinde AND Schmidt, Wolfgang AND Bruch, Harald-Robert AND Heyne, Renate AND Weber, Bernd AND Stern, Marek AND Naumann, Uwe AND Spengler, Ulrich AND Herold, Christoph AND Stoehr, Albrecht D. AND Sandow, Petra AND Stoll, Sabine AND Manns, Michael P. },
title = { Sa1072 Early Markers of Metabolic Syndrome are Associated With Distinct HCV Genotypes, While Abnormal Glucose Tolerance Substantially Decreases the Likelihood of SVR },
publisher = {Elsevier BV},
isbn = {0016-5085},
keywords = { Gastroenterology , Hepatology },
year = {2012},
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