@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Spohn, S. K. B. AND Adebahr, S. AND Huber, M. AND Jenkner, C. AND Wiehle, R. AND Nagavci, B. AND Schmucker, C. AND Carl, E. G. AND Chen, R. C. AND Weber, W. A. AND Mix, M. AND Rühle, A. AND Sprave, T. AND Nicolay, N. H. AND Gratzke, C. AND Benndorf, M. AND Wiegel, T. AND Weis, J. AND Baltas, D. AND Grosu, A. L. AND Zamboglou, C. },
title = { Feasibility, pitfalls and results of a structured concept-development phase for a randomized controlled phase III trial on radiotherapy in primary prostate cancer patients },
publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
isbn = {1471-2407},
keywords = { Cancer Research , Genetics , Oncology },
year = {2022},
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