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  1. Fuller-Maitland, John A. [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Bull, John [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Farnaby, Giles [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Munday, John [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Peerson, Martin [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Philips, Peter [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Johnson, Robert [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    Selected pieces from the, ausgewählte Stücke aus dem Fitzwilliam virginal-book / 2



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    Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1947

    Erschienen in: Selected pieces from the, ausgewählte Stücke aus dem Fitzwilliam virginal-book / ed. by J. A. Fuller-Maitland ... ; 2,1947

  2. A. M [Verfasser:in] ; Munday, Anthony [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The true reporte of the prosperous successe which God gaue vnto our English souldiours against the forraine bands of our Romaine enemies : lately ariued, (but soone inough to theyr cost) in Ireland, in the yeare 1580. Gathered out of the letters of moste credit and circumstaunce, that haue beene sent ouer, and more at large set foorth them in the former printed copie. For a singuler comfort to all godly Christians, & true harted subiectes, and an exceeding encouragement to them to persist valiantly in their true religion and faithe towards God, their due obedience and looue to their prince, and to repose their whole assured confidence in the strengthe of the Almightie, as most safe vnder the shield of his protection. Seene and allowed

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    Imprinted at London: [By J. Charlewood] for Edward White, dwelling at the little North doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gunne, [1581] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  3. A. M [Verfasser:in] ; Munday, Anthony [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The true reporte of the prosperous successe which God gaue vnto our English souldiours against the forraine bands of our Romaine enemies : lately ariued, (but soone inough to theyr cost) in Ireland, in the yeare 1580. Gathered out of the letters of moste credit and circumstaunce, that haue beene sent ouer, and more at large set foorth them in the former printed copie. For a singuler comfort to all godly Christians, & true harted subiectes, and an exceeding encouragement to them to persist valiantly in their true religion and faithe towards God, their due obedience and looue to their prince, and to repose their whole assured confidence in the strengthe of the Almightie, as most safe vnder the shield of his protection. Seene and allowed

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    Imprinted at London: [By J. Charlewood] for Edward White, dwelling at the little North doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gunne, [1581] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  4. L. T. A [Verfasser:in] ; Munday, Anthony [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    Falshood in friendship, or vnions vizard: or VVolues in lambskins : 1. Discouering the errors in vniust leagues. 2. That no subiect ought to arme himselfe against his king for what pretence soeuer. 3. An aduertisement to those fewe of the nobilitie which take part with infamie

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    London: Printed [by John Charlewood] for Nathaniell Fosbroke, 1605 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  5. L. T. A [Verfasser:in] ; Munday, Anthony [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    The masque of the League and the Spanyard discouered : wherein, 1. The League is painted forth in all her collours. 2. Is shown, that it is not lawfull for a subiect to arme himselfe against his king, for what pretence so euer it be. 3. That but few noblemen take part with the enemy: an aduertisement to them co[n]cerning their dutie. To my Lord, the Cardinall of Burbon. Faythfully translated out of the French coppie: printed at Toures by Iamet Mettayer, ordinarie printer to the king

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    At London: Printed by I. Charlewoode, for Richard Smyth, and are to be sold at his shoppe, at the west ende of Paules, 1592 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  6. Munday, Anthony [Verfasser:in]

    A banquet of daintie conceits : Furnished with verie delicate and choyse inuentions, to delight their mindes, who take pleasure in musique, and there-withall to sing sweete ditties, either to the lute, bandora, virginalles, or anie other instrument. Published at the desire of bothe honorable and worshipfull personages, who haue had copies of diuers of the ditties heerein contained. Written by A.M. seruaunt to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie

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    At London: Printed by I. C[harlewood] for Edwarde White, and are to be sold at the signe of the Gunne, at the little North doore of Paules, Anno. 1588 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  7. Sen, Antara [Verfasser:in]; Darnell, A. [Verfasser:in]; Bateman, Ian [Verfasser:in]; Munday, P. [Verfasser:in]; Crowe, A. [Verfasser:in]; Brander, L. [Verfasser:in]; Raychaudhuri, J. [Verfasser:in]; Lovett, A. [Verfasser:in]; Provins, A. [Verfasser:in]; Foden, J. [Verfasser:in]

    Economic assessment of the recreational value of ecosystems in Great Britain

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    Norwich: University of East Anglia, The Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE), 2012

  8. Adam, G [Mitwirkende:r]; Askill, J [Mitwirkende:r]; Augier, D [Mitwirkende:r]; Bababtarlo, P [Mitwirkende:r]; Babbot, J [Mitwirkende:r]; Bachert, H [Mitwirkende:r]; Balazs, J [Mitwirkende:r]; Banerjee, H [Mitwirkende:r]; Beattie, A [Mitwirkende:r]; Beregi, E [Mitwirkende:r]; Bernhardt, Hj [Mitwirkende:r]; Bhawalkar, D [Mitwirkende:r]; Biswas, S [Mitwirkende:r]; Botros, K [Mitwirkende:r]; Bougnot, J [Mitwirkende:r]; Brennan, B [Mitwirkende:r]; Bysteov, L [Mitwirkende:r]; Chakravarti, A [Mitwirkende:r]; Chevallier, J [Mitwirkende:r]; Clarke, E [Mitwirkende:r]; Corradi, G [Mitwirkende:r]; Cser, L [Mitwirkende:r]; Czanderna, A [Mitwirkende:r]; Denanot, M [Mitwirkende:r]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 8, Number 2: December 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2021] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Erschienen in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 8, Number 2 ; A

  9. Abistov, V. V [Mitwirkende:r]; Agarwal, M. K [Mitwirkende:r]; Anagnostopoulos, A. N [Mitwirkende:r]; Anderson, E. E [Mitwirkende:r]; Arajs, S [Mitwirkende:r]; Ashwell, G. J [Mitwirkende:r]; Aymerioh-Humet, X [Mitwirkende:r]; Babu, V. Hari [Mitwirkende:r]; Bandyopadhyay, A [Mitwirkende:r]; Baranova, G. K [Mitwirkende:r]; Barbashov, V. I [Mitwirkende:r]; Beck, W [Mitwirkende:r]; Bederka, Š [Mitwirkende:r]; Berger, G. W [Mitwirkende:r]; Bergner, H [Mitwirkende:r]; Bewlay, S. L [Mitwirkende:r]; Biskupska, K [Mitwirkende:r]; Boeuf, A [Mitwirkende:r]; Brehme, S [Mitwirkende:r]; Brightwell, J. W [Mitwirkende:r]; Brückner, V [Mitwirkende:r]; Bullemer, B [Mitwirkende:r]; Bărbulescu, Doina [Mitwirkende:r]; Caciuffo, R [Mitwirkende:r]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 79, Number 1: Septemmber 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Erschienen in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 79, Number 1 ; A


    Endocrine Elements

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1972

    Erschienen in: Nature, 238 (1972) 5363, Seite 358-358