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  1. Butter, Nathaniel [Verlag]; Butter, Nathaniel [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Sheffard, William [Verlag]; Sheffard, William [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    July 22. Numb. 41. More newes of the Duke of Brunswick : Relating the late and full ouerthrow giuen by him to two regiments of Monsieur Tilly. The continuance of Bethlem Gabers warlike preparations. Some new propositions made by the emperour vnto him. Count Mansfields march out of Embdenland, vnto Meppen. With other newes of the Prince of Orang and Spinolaes last designes. Together with diuers other particulars, from seuerall places and the continuation of our former newes

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    London: printed [by Eliot's Court Press] for Nathaniel Butter, and William Sheffard, 1623 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  2. Allde, Edward [Drucker:in]; Butter, Nathaniel [Verlag]; Sheffard, William [Verlag]

    Aug. 27. Numb. 45. More nevves for this present weeke : Relating, the fresh noise of the approach of the Turkes towards the Empire. The agreement of the lower Saxony with the Emperour. The present state of the Duke of Brunswickes, Monsieur Tillyes, and Count Mansfields armies. Many particulars of the Prince of Oranges going into the field. Together, with something about the election of the new Pope and diuers prodigies lately seene in the Empire, with diuers other particulars from seuerall places

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    London: Printed by Edward Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard, 1623 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  3. Allde, Edward [Drucker:in]; Butter, Nathaniel [Verlag]; Sheffard, William [Verlag]

    January 15. Number 10. The newes and affaires of Europe : The rebellion of the Basshaw of Asia, who yet came to reuenge the murther of Osman, and slew 15000. Ianizaries. New Articles betweene the Emperour and Bethelem Gabor, with their seuerall demaunds, whereby there is no likelihood of their according. Gertaine [sic] skirmishes, wherein the Imperials tooke Gabors wagons, and another wherein the Transiluanians preuailed. The King of Sweden prepares for warre, and his queene is deliuered of a princesse. Mansfields rising, with some hazard and difficulty. The fleets of the Hollanders are put to sea, both for the East and West Indies. A mutinie in Rochell

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    London: Printed by Edw: Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard, 1624 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  4. Allde, Edward [Drucker:in]; Butter, Nathaniel [Verlag]; Sheffard, William [Verlag]

    January 29. Number 12. The affaires and occurrences of Europe: more particularly as they are thus abstracted : The dissoluing of Mansfields army, with his preparation to goe to Venice. The Duke of Brunswick meanes to visit his bishopricke. The Hollanders haue planted in the West Indies. The thriuing and preuailing of the Emperour with his many armies, and principall commanders. A new order of souldiers to be raised, called Militia Sancta Catholica. The last fight betweene the Dunkerkers and Hollanders

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    London: Printed by Edw, 1624 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  5. Matthewes, Augustine [Drucker:in]; Butter, Nathaniel [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Sheffard, William [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    March 12. Numero 17 Newes of Europe, with the seuerall particulars of each countrey : More souldiers come out of Italy into Flanders, and the Spanish armie is much increased. : The cardinall of Lerma still maligned in Spaine. : The affaires of the Emperour, the Hungarians being weary of the warre. : Bethelem Gabors new propositions for a peace. : The Turke threatens Poland, if hee takes the Emperors part against Gabor. : The Marquesse of Brandeburg meeteth with the Duke of Saxonie. : The states perplexed, by reason the neuter prouinces are full of souldiers and enemies. : Seuerall letters concerning the Spaniards inroads into Guelderland. : A rumor in Spaine, for the recouery of Ormus in the Persian Gulph. : Count Mansfeild intertained into the French Kings seruice, made a marshall of France, and his Lieutenant Generall in the Valtoline

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    [London]: Printed by Aug. Mathewes for Nathaniel Butter, and William Sheffard, 1624 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  6. Butter, Nathaniel [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Downes, Bartholomew [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Sheffard, William [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    Octob. 22. Nou. 3. A relation of the vveekely occurances of newes, out of Bohemia, Italy, Germany, the Pallatinate, the Low-Countries and other places : VVherein are handled the chiefe businesse now on foote in Euorpe. : As concerning the Dyet appointed for the Princes of the Empire, at Ratisbone. : The discontents of the Duke of Saxonie, with the Duke of Bauaria, and his preparations therevpon. : The present estate of the Generall Veere, besiedged in Manheim. : Together with the great preparations of the Prince of Orange, and the Marquesse Spinola: and other accidents

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    [London]: Printed for Nathaniel Butter, Bartholomew Downes, and William Shefford, 1622 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  7. Allde, Edward [Drucker:in]; Butter, Nathaniel [Verlag]; Sheffard, William [Verlag]

    October 28. Number 2. A most true relation : contayning the great inuasion made by Bethlem Gabor in the Emperours dominions, with particular names of those townes he hath taken in already. As likewise, the marching vp of Monsieur Tilly to the Emperour: and the great preparations in defence: with the Emperours further designes to crosse the attempts of Bethlem Gabor. As also, the siege of Brin in Versperimur in Hungary, by the Turkes. With diuers other matters of moment concerning Count Mansfield, the war-like proceedings at the siege of Lipstadt: and the affaires of the low countries

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    London: Printed by Edward Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard, 1623 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  8. Allde, Edward [Drucker:in]; Butter, Nathaniel [Verlag]; Sheffard, William [Verlag]

    September 24. Number 49 more nevves for this present weeke : Kelating [sic], the last businesse betwixt the Emperour & Bethlem Gabor. The manner of the Iesuites peruerting of Protestants in the Palatinate. The preparations of the princes of both Saxonies for their owne defence. The present posture of the warre betwixt Monsieur Tilly, and the Count of Mansfield. The iourney of the prince from Madrid to the port of St. Anderas, and of his imbarking for England. With something also, concerning the present affaires of the lowe Countries, Turkie, &c. And, a further relation of the Protestants synode in France

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    London: Printed by Edward Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard, 1623 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  9. Eld, George [Drucker:in]; Allde, Edward [Drucker:in]; Bourne, Nicholas [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Sheffard, William [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]

    February the 11. Numb. 18. Weekely newes, containing these particulars : A proclamation published by the states, for the apprehending of the conspirators of the late intented horrible treason against the whole state of the vnited Prouinces, and against the King and Queen of Bohemia, and their children; with seuerall letters concerning the plot, annexed to this present weekes relation, &c. : The generall meeting appointed by the Emperor in Austria and the land of Ens. : The murther committed on the person of the Lord of Polnitz (hauing beene ambassador of the Duke of Saxony) at Regenspurg. : The execution at Ispruck of a Protestant preacher who made a braue end, and died very resolutely. : The propositions made by the ambassadors of the elector of Saxony before the Emperor at Regenspurg. : The answer vpon them in the name of his Imperiall Maiestie. : The resolutions o the electors of Collen, Mentz, and Trier, touching the election of the new elector. : The propositions of the Emperor at the dyet. : With diuers other speciall occurrences

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    London: Printed for Nathanael Butter, Nicholas Bourne, and William Sheffard, 1623 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  10. Butter, Nathaniel [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Bourne, Nicholas [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Sheffard, William [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Eld, George [Drucker:in]

    Nouemb. 16. 1622. Numb. 7. A continuation of the nevves of this present weeke : Wherein are fully related, the going of the Emperour and the Princes of Germany, to the Dyet of Regenspurgh, with the imperiall gifts. : The Embassage of Bethlem Gabor, and the old Count Thourne, to solicite the great Turke for aide against the Emperour. : With the resolute holding out of the seige of Glatz. : Together with the articles granted to Generall Veere, vpon yeelding vp of Manheim Castle. : And a particular Iournall of Count Mansfields proceedings in the Bishopricke of Munster, with some other occurences

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    London: Printed [by G. Eld?] for Nathaniel Butter, Nicholas Bourne, and William Sheffard, 1622 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Erschienen in: Early English Books Online / EEBO