Deighton's catalogue
: 1791. A catalogue of upwards of thirty thousand volumes of valuable books; consisting of four Libraries, and several parcels of books, lately purchased; among which are Folio. Historiae Romanae Scriptores, 3 tom. Aristotelis Opera, Duval, 2 tom. Dionysius Halicarnass. ed. opt. Euripides, Barnes Platonis Opera, Serrani, 3 tom. Pindar, West, and Welsted Fables de la Fontaine, 4 tom. Edmonson's Baronetage, &c. 8 vol. Bolmfield's Norfolk, 5 vol. russia Gough's Camden, 3 vol. russia Lords Journals, 31 vol. Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol.Dodd's bible, 3 vol. Tillotson's Works, 3 vol. russia Palladio's Architecture, 5 vol. Duchald's China, 2 vol. Hanbury's Gardening, 2 vol. Chambers's Dictionary, 5 vol. russia Postlethwait's Dictionary, 2 vol. Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vol. Biographia Britannica, 4 vol. Calassia Concordantia, 4 vol. Virgilii Opera, Galsgrow Suveral Early Editions of the Classies Bacon's Works, 5 vol. russia Bruce's Travels, 5 vol. russia Gibbon's Roman History, 6 vol. russia Ashley's Voyages, 4 vol. New Peerage, 3 vol. Horsley's Newton, 5 vol. Henry's Britain, 5 vol. Colle's, and other Voyages, 9 vol. Ciceronis Opera, 9 vol. Ox. Bandello Novelle, 4 tom. Octavo. Variourum classics Ancient and Modern History, 60 vol. Anunal Register, 30 vol. Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, 14 vol. Biographical Dictionary, 12 vol. Goldsmith's Animated Nature, 8 vol. Buffon's Natural History, 9 vol. Gentleman's Magazine, two Sets Monthly Reviews, two Sets Johnson's Poets, 75 vol. Bell's Poets, 109 vol. British Theatre, &c. &c. &c. The Whole in good condition- Many in Elegant Bindings, now on sale, (for ready money only,) January, 1791, By J. Deighton, No. 274, Holborn, London, Who gives the Full Value for, or Exchanges Books. Catalogues at the Place of Sale; where also may be had, just pulished, a separate Catalogue of Two Thousand Volume of Law Books