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  1. Benjamin White and Son

    A catalogue of the entire library of the Rev. Ellis Jones : The Rev. Ellis Jones, Late of Christ-Church, Oxford, and vicar of Staverton, Northamptonshire. And of several other valuable Collections of Books; The whole forming a curious Assortment in every Branch of Literature, and containing many Articles in Superb Bindings. Caesar, a Clarke, Ch. Max. 2 vol. cor. Turc. Pindar, Oxon. charta maxima. Homer, Glasg. 4 vol. chart. max. cor. Russ. Xenophon, Paris. charta max. corio Turc. Xenophon, Hutchinsoni, 2 vol. charta mag. Diogenes Laertius, Meibomii, 2 vol. ch. max. Aeschylus, Stanleii, corio Russico. Plato, Serrani, 3 vol. ap. H. Steph. Plutarchus, Rualdi, Gr. & Lat. 4 vol. Ptolemaeus, Serveti, liber rariss. cor. Russ. Salustio, por el Insante Don Gabriel. A Set of Elzevir Classics, 52 vol. in Morocco. H. Steph. Thesaurus Gr. 5 vol. ch. max. cor. T. Plautus, Lambini, charta max. corio Turc. Virgilius, Servii, charta max. corio Turc. Suldae Lexicon, Kusteri, 3 vol. charta max. Diccion. Espan. de la Acad. Reale, 6 vol. Russ. Encyclopedie & Supplement, 35 tom. Par. Corpus Historiarum & Antiquitatum, 78 vol. Corpus Historicorum Byzantinorum, 29 vol. Rymeri Foedera, 20 vol. edit. opt. cor. Turc. Thuani Historia Buckleli, 7 vol. charta mag. Bouteroue, Monnoyes de la France. Chroniques de Froissart, a tom. lettres Goth. Voyages de M. Le Burn. 3 tom. grand papier. Harris's Collect. of Voyages, 2 vol. bested. Russ. Edmondson's Baronag. 5 vol. large pap. Mor. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglican. 3 vol. cor Russ. Dugdale's Monasticon, & Stevens's Con. 3 vol. Holingshed's Chronicles, 3 vol. with Illumin. Hortus Elthamensis, Dillenii, 2 vol. fig. depict. Hortus Eystettensis, 3 vol. fig. despictis. Jacquin, Hort. Vind. & Flora Aust. 9 vol. fig. d. Flora Danica, 15 Fascic. 5 vol. fig. depict. Buchoz, Histoire Naturelle, 9 tom. fig. enlum. Sepp's Birds and Insects, beautifully coloured. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. finely coloured. Knorr's Natural History, 12 vol. finely col. Martyn's Shells, most elegantly coloured. Baron Born's Shells, finely coloured. K. of Denmark's Book of Shells, finely col. Petiver's Works of Nat. History, 2 vol. Mor. Linnaei Museum Adolphi Frederici Regis. D'argenville, Conchyliologie, 3 tom. nouv. ed. Pennant's Works in N. Hist. &c. 14 vol. gr. Mor. Annibal, Aug. & Lud. Caraccis, Works, 3 vol. Crozat's Collection of Prints, 2 vol. first imp. Habits du Levant, avec figures enluminees. Fables & Contes de M. La Fontaine, les belles ed. Montfaucon, Antiq. & Supp. 15 tom. la meill. ed. Museum Florentinum, 10 vol. impressio eleg. Baleu's Atlas. 11 vol. fine copy, gilt leaves. Andersoni Diplomata & Numismata Scotiae. Blomsield and Parkyns's Norfolk, 5 vol. Russ. Sir Henry Chauncy's Hertfordshire. Carew on the Rights of Elections. Caxton's Siege and Conquest of Jerusalem. Capt. Cook's last Voyage, 3 vol. first impress. Walpole's Painters, &c. 5 vol. Str. Hill, gr. M. Parliametary History and Debates, 100 vol. The Sale will begin on Wednesday, February 1, 1786. By Benjamin White and son, Booksellers at Horace's Head, in Fleet-Street, London. N. B. The lowest Prices are marked in the Catalogue, and in the first Leaf of every Book. Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale; also of Mr. Dodsley, Pall-Mall; Mr. Faulder, in New Bond-Street; Mr. Debrett, Piccadilly; Mr. Sewell, in Cronhill; the Booksellers of Oxford, Cambridge, and the principal Towns of England

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    [London]: s.n, [1786] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  2. Wadsley, Amanda

    Please Touch: an exhibition of objects from the Norwich Museums at the Castle Museum, 9 January to 14 March 1993, Norfolk Museums Service, video, 30 mins. Available on loan from The Education Department, Castle Museum, Norwich NR1 3JU for £2.00 (to cover p&p), or for sale at £15.00 (including p&p). Cheques should be made payable to Norfolk County Council

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    SAGE Publications, 1993

    Published in: British Journal of Visual Impairment

  3. Young, Tim

    Romano-British Industrial Activity at Snettisham, Norfolk: Archaeological Investigations at Strickland Avenue and Station Road. By A. Lyons. East Anglian Archaeology Occasional Paper 18. Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service, Dereham. Pp. 68, illus. Price: £11.50. ISBN 0 905594 42 8

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    Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2006

    Published in: Britannia

  4. Evans, Jane

    The Excavation of Romano-British Pottery Kilns at Ellingham, Postwick and Two Mile Bottom, Norfolk, 1995–7. By S. Bates and A. Lyons. East Anglian Archaeology Occasional Paper 13. Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service, Dereham, 2003. Pp. xii + 107, pls 19, figs 60. Price: £12.50. ISBN 0 905594 39 8

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    Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2005

    Published in: Britannia

  5. Kinnes, Ian

    The Barrows of East Anglia. By Andrew J. Lawson, Edward A. Martin and Deborah Priddy, with an appendix by Alison Taylor. (East Anglian Archaeology Report, 12.) 30 × 21 cm. Pp. xv + 149, 47 figs. + 12 pls. + 7 microfiche. Norwich: The Norfolk Archaeological Unit, Norfolk Museums Service, Suffolk County Council and Essex County Council, 1981. ISSN 0307–2460. £7.00

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    Cambridge University Press (CUP), 1984

    Published in: The Antiquaries Journal

  6. Saville, Alan

    Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk, 1972–1976. Fascicule 3. Shaft X: Bronze Age Flint, Chalk and Metal Working. By Ian Longworth, Andrew Herne, Gillian Varndell and Stuart Needham. 276 × 220mm. Pp. 187, 92 figs. London: British Museum Press, 1991. ISBN 0-7141-1396-4. £55.00 (p/b)

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    Cambridge University Press (CUP), 1991

    Published in: The Antiquaries Journal

  7. Crum, John; Weber, Donald; Guise-Richardson, Cai; Schwantes, Carlos; Carter, Ian; Wakeford, Tony; Mata, Maria Eugénia; Olivares, Javier Vidal; Marco, José Luis Hernández; Ottosson, Jan; Roth, Ralf; Elsasser, Kilian T.; Wydler, Henry; Vahrenkamp, Richard; Dinhobl, Günter; Higginson, Martin; Roskothen, Johannes; Schmidt, Gert; Lyth, Peter; Gordon, Bertram M.; Hartwich, Mateusz J.

    Book Review: Auto Mechanics: Technology and Expertise in Twentieth Century America, De trage verbreiding van de auto in Nederland, 1896–1939, The Chequered Past: Sports Car Racing and Rallying in Canada, 1951–1991, Iron Horse Imperialism: The Southern Pacific of Mexico, 1880–1951, Trainland: How Railways made New Zealand, The Norfolk Railway: Railway Mania in East Anglia, 1834–1862, Historia de los ferrocarriles de vía estrecha en España, Historia de los poblados ferroviarios en España, Compañía de Tranvías de la Coruña (1876–2005): Redes de transporte local, Mot framtiden på gamla spår? Regionala intressegrupper och beslutsprocesser kring kustjärnvägarna i Norrland under 1900—talet, Die Einbeziehung Stuttgarts in das moderne Verkehrswesen durch den Bau der Eisenbahn. Entscheidungsprozesse, Standortpolitik, ökonomische Voraussetzungen, Funktionalität und Resultate der verkehrlichen Erschließung zwischen 1830 und 1930, Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte, Unterwegs und mobil. Verkehrswelten im Museum, Handbuch Verkehrspolitik, Verkehrsgeschichte auf neuen Wegen [Transport infrastructure and politics], Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 2007/1 [Economic History Yearbook 2007/1], a Mobile Century? Changes in Everyday Mobility in Britain in the Twentieth Century, Die Überwindung der Distanz. Zeit und Raum in der europäischen Moderne [Overcoming distance: Time and space in Europe's Modern Age], Das öffentliche Bild vom öffentlichen Verkehr. Eine sozialwissenschaftlich-Hermeneutische Untersuchung von Printmedien [The Public View on Public Transport: Hermeneutical Social Science Studies of the Print Media], Transport Design: A Travel History, The Business of Tourism: Place, Faith, and History, Dziedzictwo morskie i rzeczne polski [Poland's Maritime Heritage]

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    SAGE Publications, 2008

    Published in: The Journal of Transport History