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  1. Fasch, Johann Friedrich [Composer]; Heinichen, Johann David [Composer]; Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich [Composer]; Hoffmann, Melchior [Composer]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Graupner, Christoph [Composer] ; Katte, Stephan [Instrumentalist]; Fischer, Sebastian [Instrumentalist] L'arpa festante Musikgruppe

    Horn concertos (1 CD)

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    Georgsmarienhütte: cpo, [2024]

  2. Reinhardt, Gottfried [Other]; Hofmannsthal, Hugo von [Other]; Reinhardt, Max [Other]; Balser, Ewald [Other]; Heintel, Kurt [Other]; Schweiger, Heinrich [Other]

    Jedermann : [das Spiel vom Sterben des reichen Mannes] (1 Videokassette)



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    München-Unterföhring: Taurus-Film-Video GmbH, 1991 ; Wien: Dürer-Filmprod. [Orig.-Prod.] [u.a.], 1991

    Published in: Taurus-Filmkollektion ; Klassiker-Kollektion

  3. Buxtehude, Dietrich [Composer]; Hoffmann, Melchior [Composer]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Bartel, Hans-Christian [Composer]; Wolf, Hugo [Composer]; Rheinberger, Joseph [Composer] ; Hiroe, Rie [Instrumentalist]; Genz, Christoph [Singer]; Hartmann, Andreas [Instrumentalist]; Hartmann, Andreas [Musical director]; Tamai, Natsumi [Instrumentalist]; Rosato, Giampietro [Instrumentalist]; Sunahara, Aki [Instrumentalist]; Herrmann, Cornelia [Instrumentalist]; Abele, Ekkehard [Singer]; Zimpel, Frank [Instrumentalist] Bach-Archiv Leipzig, Mitteldeutsches Kammerorchester Leipzig, Internationaler Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Wettbewerb 10. 1996 Leipzig

    X. Internationaler Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Wettbewerb 1996 : Ausschnitte aus den Abschlußkonzerten (1 CD)

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    Leipzig: MDR, [1996]

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  4. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Hoffmann, Melchior [Other]; Mauersberger, Erhard [Performer]; Schreier, Peter [Performer]; Hörtzsch, Heinz [Performer]; Kästner, Eva [Performer]; Fischer, Peter [Performer]; Palm, Erhard [Performer]; Kästner, Hannes [Performer]; Erben, Friedemann [Performer]; Morawietz, Heinz [Performer] Thomanerchor Leipzig, Gewandhausorchester

    Ich armer Mensch, ich Sündenknecht : Kantate am 22. Sonntag nach Trinitatis, BWV 55 (1 Schallpl)

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    Berlin: DeutscheSchallplatten, [19]70

    Published in: Eterna

  5. Abicht, Johann Georg [Other]; Rivinus, Andreas Florens [Contributor]; Rivinus, Andreas Florens [Other]; Hanack, Christian [Contributor]; Hanack, Christian [Other]; Vater, Abraham [Contributor]; Vater, Abraham [Other]; Stentzel, Christian Gottfried [Contributor]; Stentzel, Christian Gottfried [Other]; Crell, Johann Friedrich [Contributor]; Crell, Johann Friedrich [Other]; Jahr, Friedrich Wilhelm [Contributor]; Jahr, Friedrich Wilhelm [Other]; Hassen, Martin [Contributor]; Hassen, Martin [Other]; Weidler, Johann Friedrich [Contributor]; Weidler, Johann Friedrich [Other]; Hase, Johann Matthias [Contributor]; Hase, Johann Matthias [Other]; Sperbach, Karl Gottlob [Contributor]; Sperbach, Karl Gottlob [Other]; Schroedter, Ernst Christian [Contributor]; Schroedter, Ernst Christian [Other]; Martius, Johann Heinrich [Contributor]; [...]

    Obitum Perquam Luctuosum Viri Dum Viveret Magnifici, Summe Reverendi ... Domini Joh. Georgii Abichti Ss. Theologiae Doctoris Eiusdemque Ordinis Professoris Publici Primarii Longe Celeberrimi ... D. V. Iun. MDCCXL ... Dolent Collegae, Favtores Et Amici

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    Vitembergae: Eichsfeldius, 1740

  6. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Author] ; Stephanie, Gottlieb [Other]; Koch, Helmut [Performer]; Bürger, Annekathrin [Performer]; Haase, Annemone [Performer]; Hoffmann, Jutta [Performer]; Rennhack, Renate [Performer]; Lennartz, Monika [Performer]; Polster, Hermann Christian [Performer]; Schreier, Peter [Performer]; Geszty, Sylvia [Performer]; Rönisch, Rosemarie [Performer]; Suhr, Heinz [Performer]; Ehrlicher, Werner [Performer]; Müller-Lankow, Helmut [Performer]; Mellies, Otto [Performer] Kammerorchester Berlin, Ost

    Der Schauspieldirektor : KV 486; (Gesamtaufnahme); Komödie mit Musik in einem Akt von Gottlieb Stephanie d. J. (Gekürzte Textfassung) (1 Schallpl)

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    Berlin: Deutsche Schallplatten, [ca. 1970]

    Published in: Eterna

  7. Jacoby, Hans [Other]; Fodor, Ladislaus [Other]; Baum, Vicki [Other]; Reinhardt, Gottfried [Other]; Strindberg, Göran [Other]; Fischer, O. W. [Other]; Morgan, Michèle [Other]; Rühmann, Heinz [Other]; Ziemann, Sonja [Other]; Fröbe, Gert [Other]; Wieck, Dorothea [Other]; Majewski, Hans-Martin [Other]; Fischer, O. W. [Performer]; Ziemann, Sonja [Performer]; Fröbe, Gert [Performer]; Rühmann, Heinz [Performer]; Reinhardt, Gottfried [Performer]

    Menschen im Hotel (1 DVD-Video)



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    [Stuttgart]: Ascot Elite Home Entertainment [Vertrieb], 2015 ; [S.l.]: CCC-Film Artur Brauner, 2015 ; [Riegelsberg]: Pidax Film Media, 2015

    Published in: Pidax Film-Klassiker

  8. Joseph I. Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser [Other]; Schwarz, Christian Gottlieb [Other]; Silberrad, Johann Jacob [Other]; Myhldörffer, Andreas [Contributor]; Myhldörffer, Andreas [Other]; Wülfer, Johann [Contributor]; Wülfer, Johann [Other]; Winckler, Tobias [Contributor]; Winckler, Tobias [Other]; Hoffmann, Georg Jeremias [Contributor]; Hoffmann, Georg Jeremias [Other]; Mörl, Gustav Philipp [Contributor]; Mörl, Gustav Philipp [Other]; Wetzel, Justin [Contributor]; Wetzel, Justin [Other]; Sonntag, Christoph [Other]; Baier, Johann Jacob [Contributor]; Baier, Johann Jacob [Other]; Kohles, Jobst Wilhelm [Printer]

    Supremae Pietatis Monimenta Divis Manibus Augustissimi Invictissimique Principis Ac Domini Josephi Gloriosissimi Romanorum Imperatoris Germaniae Hungariae Bohemiae Dalmatiae Croatiae Et Sclavoniae Regis Archiducis Austriae Ducis Burgundiae Et Reliqua Caesaris Olim Ac Domini Sui Omnium Clementissimi D. XVII April. A. R. S. M DCCXI ... Consecrata A Tantae Maiestati Aeternum Devotissima Republica Norimbergensi

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    Altdorfii; Norimbergae: Litteris Kohlesii, 1711

  9. Schumann, Clara [Composer]; Hiller, Ferdinand von [Composer]; Wagner, Richard [Composer]; Jensen, Adolf [Composer]; Franz, Robert [Composer]; Pfitzner, Hans [Composer]; Loewe, Carl [Composer]; Volkmann, Robert [Composer]; Brahms, Johannes [Composer]; Hoffmann, E. T. A. [Composer]; Clementi, Muzio [Composer]; Berger, Ludwig [Composer]; Voříšek, Jan Hugo [Composer]; Cramer, Johann Baptist [Composer]; Field, John [Composer]; Heller, Stephen [Composer]; Liszt, Franz [Composer]; Kirchner, Theodor [Composer]; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Composer]; Nägeli, Hans Georg [Composer]; Reichardt, Johann Friedrich [Composer]; Weber, Carl Maria von [Composer]; Schubert, Franz [Composer]; Marschner, Heinrich [Composer]; ; Stephenson, Kurt [Editor]; Fellerer, Karl Gustav [Editor]

    Romantik in der Tonkunst - Partitur

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    Köln: Volk, c 1961

    Published in: Das Musikwerk ; 21

  10. Dessau, Paul [Composer]; Dehmel, Richard [Author]; Lehmann, Lotte [Author]; Bierbaum, Friedrich Julius [Author]; Heine, Heinrich [Author]; George, Stefan [Author]; Kerr, Alfred [Author]; Villon, François [Author]; Hughes, Langston [Author]; Hölderlin, Friedrich [Author]; Klabund [Author]; Pottier, Eugène [Author]; Thoor, Jesse [Author]; Verlaine, Paul [Author]; Heim, Régine [Author]; Byron, Eva [Author]; Brecht, Bertolt [Author]; Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold [Author]; Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich [Author]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Author]; Ringelnatz, Joachim [Author]; Nâzım Hikmet [Author]; Fried, Erich [Author]; Evtušenko, Evgenij [Author]; [...] ; Bauni, Axel [Editor]; Zech, Paul [Translator]; Weinert, Erich [Translator]; Schroeder, Max [Translator]; Brechbühl, Beat [Translator]; Brambach, Rainer [Translator]; Kunert, Günter [Translator]; Arendt, Erich [Translator]

    Lieder aus dem Nachlass : für Singstimme und Klavier (und für Singstimme allein) = Posthumously-published songs : for voice and piano (and unaccompanied voice) - Partitur

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    Frankfurt / M.; Leipzig; London; New York: C.F. Peters, [2009]

  11. Hirsch, Ferdinand [Editor]; Tag, Christian Gotthilf [Other]; Krebs, Johann Gottfried [Other]; Türk, Daniel Gottlob [Other]; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Other]; Beethoven, Ludwig van [Other]; Böhner, Johann Ludwig [Other]; Schubert, Franz [Other]; Chopin, Frédéric [Other]; Schumann, Robert [Other]; Wagner, Richard [Other]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Other]; Hiller, Ferdinand von [Other]; Heller, Stephen [Other]; Kirchner, Theodor [Other]; Brahms, Johannes [Other]; Reinecke, Carl [Other]; Grieg, Edvard [Other]; Reger, Max [Other]; Sibelius, Jean [Other]; Busoni, Ferruccio [Other]; Finke, Fidelio F. [Other]; Graupner, Christoph [Other]; Gerster, Ottmar [Other]; [...]

    Silhouetten : Tanzbilder aus alter und neuer Zeit für Klavier

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    Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, [19]68

  12. Milhaud, Darius [Other]; Honegger, Arthur [Other]; Schaeffer, Pierre [Other]; Blacher, Boris [Other]; Orff, Carl [Other]; Dallapiccola, Luigi [Other]; Britten, Benjamin [Other]; Eimert, Herbert [Other]; Dessau, Paul [Other]; Egk, Werner [Other]; David, Johann Nepomuk [Other]; Stravinsky, Igor [Other]; Larsson, Lars-Erik [Other]; Liebermann, Rolf [Other]; Bartók, Béla [Other]; Kodály, Zoltán [Other]; Falla, Manuel de [Other]; Hartmann, Karl Amadeus [Other]; Henze, Hans Werner [Other]; Martin, Frank [Other]; Webern, Anton [Other]; Messiaen, Olivier [Other]; Weill, Kurt [Other]; Stockhausen, Karlheinz [Other]; [...]

    1000 Jahre Musikgeschichte in klingenden Beispielen / 8, Allgemeine europäische Musikgeschichte von 1917 bis zur Gegenwart (2 Schallpl. im Album)

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    Published in: 1000 Jahre Musikgeschichte in klingenden Beispielen ; 8