AU - Kehoe, Patrick
AU - Dwyer, Rebecca
AU - Skrobot, Olivia
AU - Munafo, Marcus
AU - Kehoe, Patrick
TI - P4‐149: APOE is associated with Vascular Dementia ‐ using alzgene‐like approaches to investigate susceptibility genes for vascular cognitive impairment
PB - Wiley
SN - 1552-5260
SN - 1552-5279
KW - Psychiatry and Mental health
KW - Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
KW - Geriatrics and Gerontology
KW - Neurology (clinical)
KW - Developmental Neuroscience
KW - Health Policy
KW - Epidemiology
PY - 2011
UR - https://katalog.slub-dresden.de/en/?cHash=0bb8bd27a7fbde41cd02875a74ca0f3d&tx_find_find%5Baction%5D=citation&tx_find_find%5Bcontroller%5D=Search&tx_find_find%5Bid%5D=ai-49-aHR0cDovL2R4LmRvaS5vcmcvMTAuMTAxNi9qLmphbHouMjAxMS4wNS4yMTcx&tx_find_find%5Btype%5D=ris
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