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  1. England and Wales Commissioners of Customs

    Whereas we are informed, that there is brought into the port of London from [ blank ] in the ship or vessel called the [ blank ] whereof [ blank ] is master, [ blank ] of books, marked as in the margent, and specified in a catalogue presented unto us upon the accompt of [ blank ] : These are to certify that in pursuance of act of Parliament in that behalf made, we have appointed [ blank ] or either of them, with one or more of the Company of Stationers ... to be present at the opening thereof, and to view the same

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    [London: s.n, 16--?] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  2. Crouch, Henry [Author]

    A complete guide to the officers of His Majesty's customs in the out-ports : Being forms, precedents, and instructions for the Execution of every Branch of the Business of that Revenue; Shewing The Method of Granting, Making out, Entering, and Executing the Proper Dispatches and other Instruments: Of Keeping and Making out the several Books and Accounts relating to His Majesty's said Revenue of the Customs; And The Manner how every other Part of each Branch is to be performed by the respective Officers. To which are added, Forms and Instructions relating to the Excise on Liquors imported, the Duty of Prisage, &c. The Whole Fully illustrating and explaining the Nature of the Office of a Collector, Customer, Comptroller, Searcher, Surveyor, Land-Waiter, Coast-Waiter, Tide-Surveyor, Tide-Waiter, &c. and directing how each of them are, in their respective Stations, to execute the several Laws of the Customs. Offered for the Ease and Assistance of the said Officers. By Henry Crouch, of the Custom-House, London; Author of the Complete View of the British Customs

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    London: printed for the author, Anno 1732 ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  3. Great Britain Customs Establishment, Great Britain Customs Establishment

    Instructions for the collectors and other officers employ'd in Her Majesties customs, &c. in the north-part of Great Britain : with forms of dispatches, schemes for calculations, and the regular methods of accompting

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    Edinburgh: Printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1707 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale

  4. Hunter, William of the Custom House London [Author]

    The merchants clerk: or, the business at the Custom-House made easy, with respect to the method of reporting and clearing ships Inwards and Outwards, and entering goods on Importation and Exportation, Foreign, Coastwise, and Land-Carriage. Also forms of the several dispatches or clearances given by the Officers of the Customs to the Masters of Vessels, &c. By William Hunter, Of the Long-Room, Custom-House, London

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    London: printed by T. and J. W. Pasham; for the author, and sold by D. Steel, at the Bible and Crown, in King-Street, Little Tower-Hill, MDCCLXVI. [1766] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  5. Crouch, Henry [Author]

    A complete view of the British Customs : containing the rates of merchandize, With The total Net Duties to be paid Inwards, Outwards, and Coast-Wise; and the Drawbacks upon Exportation: All carefully calculated to the Twentieth Part of a Penny. AS Also The several Branches that compose those Net Duties and Drawbacks, fully exemplify'd and explain'd. Likewise. Great Variety of Forms of the Computations of the Duties; Tables of Drawbacks, and Bounties on Exportation; with Examples and Instructions in the Waterside-Business. To which is added, The Ports, Members, and Creeks of Great-Britain; the lawful Keys and Wharfs, and Tables of Officers Fees in the Port of London; with the City Duties of Package, Scavage, and Balliage. And An Index, containing the Substance of all the Custom-Laws, Rules, and Injunctions. The Whole being A Continuation and Improvement of the late Mr. Edgar's Vectigalium Systema; wherein, the Errors are rectified, Deficiencies supply'd, and Variations added, to the End of the Session of Parliament, Anno none Georgii. By Henry Crouch, Of the Custom-House, London

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    London: printed for J. Osborn, at the Oxford-Arms in Lombard-Street; and W. Bell, at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhill, M.DCC.XXIV. [1724] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  6. Manley, William [Other] ; Great Britain

    A collection of the laws of the customs now in force, to prevent frauds and abuses in the revenue, and the illegal importation and exportation of prohibited and uncustomed goods : being an abridgement of several Acts of Parliament ... wherein are contained the powers given by the laws now in force to justices of the peace, for the more effectual executing the laws of the customs ... as also forms of warrants ... to which are added, the opinions and resolutions of Council, in particular doubtful cases, for the information of the justices

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    London: Printed by T. Baskett and R. Baskett, for R. Vincent, 1742 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale

  7. Crouch, Henry [Author]

    A complete view of the British Customs : Containing, I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The Former and Additional Books of the Rates of Merchandizes, from which most of those Branches are chargeable; with the Neat Total Amount of all the several Branches payable, as well from those Rates, as from the Values upon Oath, &c for all Foreign Goods and Merchandize Imported, not only by British Subjects, but by Strangers; and also The Neat Total Amount of such of the said Branches as are to be Repaid, or Drawn back, in case the said Goods are afterwards Exported to Foreign Parts within Time. With The Neat Duty to be paid upon Native Commodities, and several Foreign Dying Goods Exported: Also the Duties to be paid upon Coals, Culm, and Cinders brought Coastwise, and to be Repaid if they are afterwards Exported. All Calculated to the Utmost Exactness. Together with the several Rules, Orders, &c. Annexed to the said Books of Rates. III. Directions for, and Examples of, The Method of Computing the aforesaid Duties to be Paid and Repaid; with the Drawbacks and Bounties on the Exportation of several British Goods, &c. IV. The several Ports, Members, and Creeks of Great Britain; the Lawful Keys, Wharfs, &c. and the Fees payable to the Officers of the Customs in the Port of London; with the Duties of Scavage, Package, &c payable to the said City. V. An index, wherein is comprehended the substance of the several laws now in force, relating to the Customs, &c. The Whole being A Complete System of His Majesty's Revenue of Customs. B Henry Crouch, Of the Custom-House, London - [The third edition]

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    London: printed by John Baskett His Majesty's Printer, for Thomas Longman, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCC.XXXVIII. [1738] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  8. Great Britain, Great Britain

    An Act for continuing several laws relating to the punishment of persons going armed or disguised in defiance of the laws of customs or excise : to the drawback of the duties upon copper bars exported; and to the duties upon foreign-made sail cloth; and also for encouragement of the silk manufactures; and for taking off several duties on merchandizes exported; and for encouraging the trade of the sugar colonies in America; and for vacating the security for the duty on salt lost in any river, or in port, after shipped; and for enlarging the time proving th loss of salt; and for relief of masters of ships with respect to the importation of soap and candles, contrary to an Act made in the twenty third year of His Majesty's reign; and also for the more efffectual payment of the bounties upon British-made sail cloth; and to impower the commissioners of the treasury to direct the payment of the bounty to John Henniker, and others, upon four ships fitted out for the whale fishery, and lost in the Greenland Seas; and also to Philip How, and others, upon two ships employed in the said fishery, notwithstanding some of the forms required by law in fitting out such ships, were not complied with

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    [London]: printed by Thomas Baskett; and by the assigns of Robert Baskett, [1753] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  9. Crouch, Henry [Author] ; Great Britain Customs Establishment

    A complete view of the British customs : containing, I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The former and additional books of the rates of merchandizes ... III. Directions for, and examples of, the method of computing the aforesaid duties ... IV. The several ports, members and creeks of Great Britain ... V. An index, wherein is comprehended the substance of the several laws now in force, relating to the customs, &c. - [The 4th ed., continued to the end of the session of Parliament, anno decimo septimo Georgii Secundi]

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    London: Printed by T. Baskett, and by the assigns of R. Baskett, for T. Longman and T. Shewell, 1745 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale

  10. Crouch, Henry [Author] ; Great Britain Customs Establishment

    A complete view of the British customs : containing, I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The former and additional books of the rates of merchandizes ... III. Directions for, and examples of, the method of computing the aforesaid duties ... IV. The several ports, members and creeks of Great Britain ... V. An index, wherein is comprehended the substance of the several laws now in force, relating to the customs, &c. - [The 3rd ed., continued to the end of the session of Parliament, anno decimo Georgii Secundi]

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    London: Printed by J. Baskett, for T. Longman, 1738 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale

  11. Crouch, Henry [Author] ; Great Britain Customs Establishment

    A complete view of the British customs : containing, I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The former and additional books of the rates of merchandizes ... III. Directions for, and examples of, the method of computing the aforesaid duties ... IV. The several ports, members and creeks of Great Britain ... V. An index, wherein is comprehended the substance of the several laws now in force, relating to the customs, &c. - [The 2nd ed]

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    London: Printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer for J. Osborn and T. Longman, 1731 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale

  12. Crouch, Henry [Author] ; Great Britain Customs Establishment

    A complete view of the British customs : containing, I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The former and additional books of the rates of merchandizes ... III. Directions for, and examples of, the method of computing the aforesaid duties ... IV. The several ports, members and creeks of Great Britain ... V. An index, wherein is comprehended the substance of the several laws now in force, relating to the customs, &c. - [The 5th ed., continued to the end of the session of Parliament, anno vicessimo octavo Georgii Secundi]

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    London: Printed by T. Baskett, and by the assigns of R. Baskett, for T. Longman, 1755 ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Thomson Gale

  13. Great Britain Customs Establishment

    Instructions for the collectors and other officers employ'd in Her Majesties Customs, &c. in the north-part of Great-Britain; with forms of dispatches, schemes for calculations, and the regular methods of accompting

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    Edinburgh: printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1707 ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  14. Ireland Parliament House of Commons, Ireland Parliament House of Commons

    An account of the duties now payable by natives and denizens, being wholesale merchants, on British and on forgeign goods imported form Great Britain : Distinguishing the rates on each article in custom and excise, together with the net duty now payable thorcon, and the net duty now payable on the like articles imported from all other countries except Great Britain. Number 1. Eutopean trade, chiefty

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    Dublin: Printed by James King, and Abraham Bradley King, (Stationer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty) printers to the Honorable the House of Commons of Ireland, M.DCC.XCI. [1791] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  15. West, Samuel [Author]

    The exciseman's pocket-book : containing abstracts of all the laws relative to the customs and excise. Interspersed with Forms of Informations, &c. for Proceeding against Offenders; with Useful Tables and Rules, Shewing The Duties of Excise at one View. By Samuel West

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    London: printed by W. Griffin, at Garrick's Head in Catharine Street, Strand, [1769] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  16. Crouch, Henry [Author]

    A complete view of the British customs : Containing, I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The Former and Additional Books of the Rates of Merchandizes, from which most of those Branches are chargeable; with the Neat Total Amount of all the several Branches payable, as well from those Rates, as from the Values upon Oath, &c. for all Foreign Goods and Merchandizes Imported, not only by British Subjects, but by Strangers; and also The Neat Total Amount of such of the said Branches as are to be Repaid, or Drawn Back, in case the said Goods are afterwards Exported to Foreign Parts within Time. With The Neat Duty to be paid upon Native Commodities, and several Foreign Dying Goods Exported: Also the Duties to be paid upon Coals, Culm, and Cinders brought Coastwise, and to be Repaid if they are afterwards Exported. All Calculated to the Utmost Exactness. Together with the several Rules, Orders, &c. Annexed to the said Books of Rates. III. Directions for, and Examples of, The Method of Computing the aforesaid Duties to be Paid and Repaid; with the Drawbacks and Bounties on the Exportation of several British Goods, &c. IV. The several Ports, Members, and Creeks of Great Britain; the Lawful Keys, Wharfs, &c. and the Fees payable to the Officers of the Customs in the Port of London; with the Duties of Scavage, Package, &c. payable to the said City. V. An index, wherein is comprehended the substance of the several laws now in force, relating to the Customs, &c. The Whole being A Complete System of His Majesty's Revenue of Customs. B Henry Crouch, Of the Custom-House, London - [The fourth edition]

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    London: printed by Thomas Baskett, His Majesty's Printer; and by the assigns of Robert Baskett; for T. Longman and T. Shewell, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XLV. [1745] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  17. Hunter, William of the Custom House London [Author]

    The out-Port collector and comptroller's guide, or a complete view of the method of collecting the duties on coals, culm and cinders, and every transaction from the ship's arrival in port, to the time of her delivery. With the Manner of passing the several Accounts, and other Business at the Board, Receiver's, and Comptroller-General's Offices. As Also Titles and Forms of Cockets, Transires, Entry-Papers, Bonds, Warrants, Duplicates, Certificates and Returns, Petitions, Memorials, Reports, Protests, &c. With the respective Books, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly Accounts, directed to be made Use of in the Port of London, &c. Kalendar, Lists, or Notices for Payment of the Duties, and the Time limited for saving the Discount. With other Essential Matters relative to the Importation and Exportation. To which is added, Tables at 8 s. and 5 s. per Chalder, for casting the Duties; with Variety of Computations of the several Duties. The Quantities of Coals, Culm and Cinders delivered in the Port of London for several Years past. Likewise the Amount of the Receipt of the several Duties, Application thereof, and neat Money paid into the Exchequer from the 5th of January 1762, to the 5th of January 1763. Also a List of the Names of the Sorts of Coals imported from the respective Collieries. Likewise a general abstract of the acts of parliament now in force. Being of particular Use to all Masters, &c. using the Coal Trade. By William Hunter, Of the Long-Room, Custom-House, London

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    London: printed for the author, by Joseph Smith, and sold by him in Graces's-Ally Wellclose-Square; Messieurs Wilson and Fell, Booksellers in Pater-Noster-Row; and Messieurs Mount and Page, Tower-Hill, [1764] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  18. Stewardson, William [Author]

    A letter to the hon. the Commissioners of His Majesty's customs : dedicated to the hon. the House of Commons: containing an account of the detection of frauds at the Custom-House which had been successfully carried on for Years by false Affirmations, (perjury) and their very remarkable Punishment: Some curious Queries and Letters to the Right Hon. the Lords of the treasury, and George Grenville, Esq; With a memorial on the occasion, Presented to the Right Hon. the Lords of the Treasury. drawn by Mr. Philipps who managed the printer's cause, and that of John Wilkes Esq; against Robert Wood Esq; under Secretary of State-Very proper for the Perusal of every Gentleman who would represent the true Spirit of any Affair, and not follow the dull lifeless Forms and Precedents of Law. Tu ne ... malis sed ... ... its. By William Stewardson

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    London: printed for, and published by the author, and sold at his house in Little College-Street, Westminster, [1763] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009