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  1. Salmon, William [Other] ; Royal College of Physicians of London

    Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The new London dispensatory : in six books : translated into English for the publick good and fitted to the whole art of healing : illustrated with the preparations, virtues and uses of all simple medicaments, vegitable, animal and mineral, of all the compounds both internal and external, and of all the chymical preparations now in use : together with several choise medicines added by the author : as also the praxis of chymistry as it's now exercised, fitted to the meanest capacity

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    London: Printed by Thomas Dawks, 1678 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  2. Salmon, William [Other] ; Royal College of Physicians of London

    Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The new London dispensatory : in VI books : translated into English for the publick good, and fitted to the whole art of healing : illustrated with the preparations virtues and uses of all simple medicaments, vegetable, animal and mineral of all the compounds, both internal and external, and of all the chymical preparations now in use : together with some choice medicines added by the author : as also, the praxis of chymistry, as its now exercised fitted to the meanest capacity : whereunto is added a table of diseases & another of the colledge's errors - [The second edition corrected and amended]

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    London: Printed for Th. Dawks, Th. Basset, Jo. Wright, and Ri. Chiswell, 1682 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  3. Salmon, William [Author] ; Sherwin, William [Engraver]

    Polygraphice: or The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming : In four books. Exemplified, in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countreys, and figures of various forms; the way of engraving, etching and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments; the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities; the paintings of the antients; washing of maps, globes or pictures; the dying of cloth, silk, horns, bones, wood, glass, stones and metals; the varnishing, colouring and gilding thereof, according to any purpose or intent: the painting, colouring and beautifying of the face, skin and hair; the whole doctrine of perfumes (never published till now,) together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting. To which is added a discourse of perspective and chiromancy. The fourth edition, with many large additions: adorned with sculptures: the like never yet extant. By William Salmon philalēthēs professor of physick

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    London: printed by Robert White, for John Crumpe, at the sign of the Three Bibles in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and are to be sold by Charles Passenger at the Seven Stars on London-Bridge, 1678 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  4. Salmon, William [Author]

    Ars chirurgica : A compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery. In seven books. Containing I. The instruments and operations of the art. II. The removal of defilements. III. The cure of tumors. IV. The cure of wounds. V. The cure of ulcers. VI. The cure of fractures. VII. The cure of dislocations. Shewing the names, causes, signes, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of chirurgick diseases, from head to foot, happening to human bodies. To which is added, Phamacopœia chirurgica; or, the medical store, Latin and English: which contains an absolute sett of choice preparations or medicaments, fitted for the compleat and universal practice both of physick and chirurgery. The whole work galenically and chymically performed. The like yet never published in any language whatsoever. By William Salmon, M.D. living at the great house by Black-Friers-Stairs, London

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    London: printed for J. Dawks, in Wardrobe-Court, in Great Carter-lane: and sold by S. Sprint and G. Conyers, in Little Britain, 1699 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  5. Salmon, William [Author]

    Ars chirurgica : a compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery in seven books ... shewing the names, causes, signs, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of chirurgick diseases ... : to which is added Pharmacopoeia chirurgica, or, The medical store, Latin and English

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    London: Printed for J. Dawks ... and sold by S. Sprint [and 6 others], M.DC.XCVIII [1698] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  6. Salmon, William [Author]

    A dissertation upon water-baptism : Non in verbis Scriptuarum esse evangelum, sed in sensu; non in superficie, sed in medulla; non in sermonum foliis, sed in radice rationis

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    London: printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-hart-Court in Gracious-street, and at the Bible in Leaden-hall-street, near the Market, 1700 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  7. Salmon, William [Author]

    Doron medicum: or, A supplement to the new London dispensatory : In three books. Containing a supplement I. To the materia medica. II. To the internal compound medicaments. III. To the external compound medicaments. Compleated with the art of compounding medicines: observations and exemplifications chymical: an idea of the process of the universal medicine of Paracelsus, taken from an original manuscript; together with many rare secrets of the medicial art, not vulgarly known : some of them gather'd out of the manuscripts of famous men, not yet printed: some the gleanings out of the vast printed volumns of medical authors; others of them communicated by several worthy & learned men of profound parts, universal scholars, and professors of this art. The second edition corrected. By William Salmon, professor of physick

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    London: Printed for, and sold by T. Dawks, T. Basset, R. Chiswell, M. Wotton, and G. Conyers, 1688 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  8. Salmon, William [Author] ; J. H [Other]

    The family dictionary; or, Houshold companion : containing, in an alphabetical method, I. Directions for cookery, in dressing flesh, fowl, fish, herbs, roots, &c. Seasoning, making sauces, bills of fare, art of carving, &c. II. Making all sorts of pastry ware, and things made of meal, flower, whether bak'd, boyled, or fried, &c. III. Making of conserves, candies, preserves, confects, lozenges, gellies, creams, pickles, &c. IV. The making all kinds of potable liquors, as ales, meads, metheglin, English wines of cherries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, &c. Cyder, cyder-royal, usquebaugh, cordial waters. V. The making of all sorts of rare perfumes, sweet balls, pouders, admirable washes, beatifying waters, oils, essences, pomatums. VI. The virtues and uses of the most usual herbs and plants, their roots, barks, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, used in physick. ... The second edition, corrected and much enlarged. By William Salmon, professor of physick

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    London: printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-lane, in Fleet-street: and sold by R. Clavel at the Peacock against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1696 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  9. Salmon, William [Author]

    The family-dictionary, or, Houshold [sic] companion : containing, in an alphabetical method, I. Directions for cookery ... VII. The preparations of several choice medicines - [The second edition, corrected and much enlarged]

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    London: Printed for H. Rhodes, 1696 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  10. Salmon, William [Author] ; J. H [Other]

    The family dictionary, or, Houshold [sic] companion : wherein are alphabetically laid down exact rules and choice physical receipts for the preservation of health ... directions for making oils, ointments, salves, ... chymical preparations, physical-wines, ales and other liquors and descriptions of the virtues of herbs, fruits, flowers ... and parts of living creatures used in medicinal potions, ... likewise directions for cookery, ... also the way of making all sorts of perfumes ... together with the art of making all sorts of English wines, ... the mystery of pickling and keeping all sorts of pickles ... : to which is added as an appendix the explanation of physical terms, bills of fare ... : with the art of carving and many other useful matters

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    London: Printed for H. Rhodes, 1695 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  11. Salmon, William [Author]

    Iatrica, seu, Praxis medendi : the practice of curing diseases : being a medicinal history of near two hundred famous observations in the cure of diseases, performed by the author hereof : whereunto is added, by way of scholia, a compleat theory or method of precepts, wherein the names, definitions, kinds, signs, causes, prognosticks, and various ways of cure are methodically instituted, digested and reduced to vulgar practice : to which is newly added as an appendix, observations upon the lethargy, carus, frenzy, madness, defects of the internal senses, and hurts of the external senses : with several remarks worthy consideration : and a catalogue of the authors works

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    London: Printed for Nath. Rolls, 1694 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  12. Salmon, William [Author]

    The London almanack : For the year of our Lord, 1695. For the year of the world, 5645. And of Their Majesties reign, 7. Containing I. The change and quarters of the moon. II. The moon's rising, setting and southing. III. The time of high water at London-Bridge. IV. The exact high water in 110 other ports. V. The regulation of pendulum clocks & watches. VI. The mutual aspects of the planets. VII. The Roman account fitted to our months. VIII. The sun's rising and setting every day. IX. The length of the day and night. X. The increase and decrease of the days. XI. Physical observations in each month. XII. THe eclipses of the luminaries. XIII. Description and use of several famous medicines. XIV. Choice remedies against the plague. XV. Astrological observations with other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the Queen's most excellent Majesty. By William Salmon, professor of Physick, living at the Blew Ball by the Ditch-side, near Holborn-Bridge, London

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    London: printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1695 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO