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  1. Ivanov, Sergej V. [Other]

    Sergej Vasilʹevič Ivanov



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    Moskva, 1960

  2. Ivanov, Sergej V. [Author] ; Institut Ėtnografii Imeni N. N. Miklucho-Maklaja Moskau Fol'klornaja Komissija

    Materialy po izobrazitel'nomu iskusstvu narodov Sibiri XIX - načala XX v : sjužetnyj risunok i drugie vidy izobraženij na ploskosti



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    Moskva [u.a.]: Izdat. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1954

    Published in: Institut ėtnografii imeni N.N. Miklucho-Maklaja: Trudy Ordena Družby Narodov Instituta Ėtnografii Imeni N. N. Miklucho-Maklaja ; 1022

  3. Ivanov, Sergej V. [Author] ; Lermontov, Michail Jurʹevič [Other]

    M. Ju. Lermontov



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    Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. Chudožestvennoj Literatury, 1952

  4. Rachmaninov, Sergej Vasilʹevič [Author] ; Ivanov, Konstantin K. [Performer]; Krajnev, Vladimir V. [Performer] Sowjetunion Komitet po Televideniju i Radioveščaniju Bolʹšoj Simfoničeskij Orkestr

    Konzert Nr. 2 c-moll op. 18 für Klavier und Orchester (1 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    Berlin: Dt. Schallpl, [19]77

    Published in: Eterna- Melodija

  5. Rachmaninov, Sergej Vasilʹevič [Author] ; Ivanov, Konstantin K. [Performer] Akademičeskij Bol'šoj Simfoničeskij Orkestr Im. Čajkovskogo Moskovskogo Radio

    Simfonii︠a︡ no 2 = Symphony no. 2 (1 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    [Moscow]: Melodii︠a︡, [ca. 1970]

  6. Rachmaninov, Sergej Vasilʹevič [Author] ; Ivanov, Konstantin K. [Performer]; Oborin, Lev N. [Performer] Gosudarstvennyj Simfoničeskij Orkestr SSSR Moskau, Kvartet imeni Betchovena

    3-j koncert dlja f-no s orkestrom soč. 30, re minor (2 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    [S.l.]: Aprelevskij zavod, [ca. 1953]

  7. Ivanova, Natalija D. [Author]; Ivanov, Sergej V. [Author]; Boldyrev, Evgenij I. [Author]

    Soedinenija ftora v gal'vanotechnike



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    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1986

  8. Ivanov, Sergej A. [Author]; Korneev, Vadim G. [Author]

    On the preconditioning in the domain decomposition technique for the p-version finite element method / 1



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    Chemnitz: Techn. Univ., 1995

    Published in: On the preconditioning in the domain decomposition technique for the p-version finite element method / Sergej A. Ivanov and Vadim G. Korneev, SFB 393 ; 1 - Forschergruppe Scientific Parallel Computing: Preprint-Reihe der Chemnitzer DFG-Forschergruppe Scientific Parallel Computing ; 95,35

  9. Ivanov, Sergej A. [Author]; Korneev, Vadim G. [Author]

    On the preconditioning in the domain decomposition technique for the p-version finite element method / 2



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    Chemnitz: Techn. Univ., 1995

    Published in: On the preconditioning in the domain decomposition technique for the p-version finite element method / Sergej A. Ivanov and Vadim G. Korneev, SFB 393 ; 2 - Forschergruppe Scientific Parallel Computing: Preprint-Reihe der Chemnitzer DFG-Forschergruppe Scientific Parallel Computing ; 95,36