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  1. Ahn, Nicholas [Author]; Ahn, Uri M. [Author]; Akbarnia, Behrooz A. [Author]; Antoniou, John [Author]; Asher, Marc A. [Author]; Banta, John V. [Author]; Bassett, George S. [Author]; Bergin, Christopher J. [Author]; Blakemore, Laurel C. [Author]; Boachie-Adjei, Oheneba [Author]; Bridwell, Keith H. [Author]; Burnett, Yvonne Lomax [Author]; Carr, William A. [Author]; Caruso, Steven [Author]; Castro, Andrew [Author]; Chan, Donald P. K. [Author]; Cohen, David B. [Author]; Cunningham, Bryan W. [Author]; Dawson, Edgar G. [Author]; Dekutoski, Mark B. [Author]; DeWald, Christopher J. [Author]; Drummond, Denis S. [Author]; Edgar, Michael [Author]; Emans, John B. [Author]; [...] ; DeWald, Ronald L. [Editor]; Arlet, Vincent [Editor]; Carl, Allen L. [Editor]; O'Brien, Michael F. [Editor]

    Spinal Deformities: The Comprehensive Text

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    Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2003

  2. Jin, Ying; Myers, Nicholas D.; Ahn, Soyeon

    Complex Versus Simple Modeling for DIF Detection : When the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ρ) of the Studied Item Is Less Than the ρ of the Total Score : When the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ρ) of the Studied Item Is Less Than the ρ of the Total Score

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    SAGE Publications, 2014

    Published in: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 74 (2014) 1, Seite 163-190

  3. Hopper, Nicholas; von Ahn, Luis; Langford, John

    Provably Secure Steganography

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2009

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 58 (2009) 5, Seite 662-676