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  1. Biswas, Asit K. [Other]

    Models for water quality management



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    New York [u.a.]: McGraw-Hill, 1981

    Published in: McGraw-Hill series in water resources and environmental engineering

  2. Biswas, Asit K. [Editor] ; Ägypten Wizārat ar-Raiy, Government of Egypt, Ministry of Irrigation, Ägypten, Training Workshop on Water Management for Arid Regions 1978 al-Qāhira

    Water management for arid lands in developing countries : papers from the Training Workshop on Water Management for Arid Regions, Cairo, Egypt 2 - 14 Dec. 1978 - [1. ed.]

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    Oxford [u.a.]: Pergamon Press, 1980

    Published in: Water development, supply and management ; 1300

  3. Biswas, Asit K. [Author]

    Historia hydrologii



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    Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1978

  4. Adams, M. J. [Other]; Biswas, Sanjay K. [Other]; Briscoe, B. J. [Other] ; Royal Society London, Unilever PLC London, Indo-UK Forum on Solid-Solid Interactions 1994 London

    Solid-solid interactions : proceedings of the first Royal Society-Unilever Indo-UK Forum in Materials Science and Engineering ; [Indo-UK Forum on Solid-Solid Interactions ; held at Imperial College in September 1994]

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    London: Imperial College Press, 1996

  5. Biswas, Asit K. [Editor]; Tortajada, Cecilia [Other] ; Centro Internacional del Agua y el Medio Ambiente Pastriz, Third World Centre for Water Management

    Water management in 2020 and beyond : [based on the invited papers that were very specifically commissioned for this invitation-only workshop ; a workshop entitled "Water Management Beyond 2020" ; Zaragoza, November 2006]

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    Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009

    Published in: Water resources development and management