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  1. One who is a friend to English liberty [Author]

    A discourse concerning excommunication, as executed by officials, and concerning the common law writts, de excommunicato capiendo and de cautione admittenda, for the punishment of persons excommunicated and their deliverance from the punishment : vvherin is examined whether the execution of the former as executed by many, be not a profanation of a great ordinance of God, whether by the second the subjects is many cases be not unwarrantably oppressed : as also by the difficult granting of the other, which is a common law writt, and the right of every subject to be obtained without difficulty : discoursed in a letter to an honourable friend

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    London: Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, 1680 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  2. Bakewell, Thomas [Author]

    The ordinance of excommunication : rightly stated and vindicated from severall false opinions concerning it. By a lover of truth and peace. Feb. 17. 1645. Imprimatur. John Downame

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    [London]: Printed for Henry Shepheard at the Bible in Tower Street, and William Ley at Pauls Chaine near Doctors Commons, 1646 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  3. Prynne, William [Author]

    Foure serious questions of grand importance, concerning excommunication and suspension from the Sacrament : propounded to the Reverend Assembly and all moderate Christians to prevent schismes, and settle unity among us in these divided times

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    [London: s.n, 1644?] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  4. Erastus, Thomas [Author] ; Castelvetro, Giacomo [Other]

    Explicatio grauissimae quaestionis vtrùm excommunicatio : quatenùs religionem intelligentes & amplexantes, à sacramentorum vsu, propter admissum facinus arcet; mandato nitatur diuino, an excogitata sit ab hominibus. Autore clariss. viro Thoma Erasto D. Medico. Opus nunc recèns ex ipsius autoris authographo erutum, & in lucem, prout moriens iusserat, editum. Ad operis calcem adiectae sunt clarissimorum aliquot theologorum epistolae, partim ad ipsum autorem scriptae, partim ad alios, quibus suum rogati, de hac re iudicium ac sententiam proferunt. Cum indice copiosissimo

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    Pesclauii [i.e. London]: Apud Baocium Sultaceterum [i.e. John Wolfe], anno salutis. M.D.LXXXIX. [1589] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  5. Foxe, John [Author]

    De censura siue excommunicatione ecclesiastica rectoq[ue] eius vsu : ad illustrissimum patrem archiepiscopum Cantuariensem

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    Impressum Londini: Per Stephanum Mierdmannum, impensis Roberti Toëi, Anno M. D. LI. Mense Aprili [1551] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  6. Pirie, Alexander [Other] ; Secession Church Associate Synod (Burgher: 1744-1820)

    The procedure of the Associate Synod, in Mr Pirie's case, represented; and his protest against their sentence vindicated. To which is added, An essay on excommunication

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    Edinburgh: printed for W. Gray, Front of the Exchange, 1764 ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  7. Gib, Adam [Author]

    A rod of correction for the ignorance and dishonesty of a pamphlet, intitled,-A short conference, betwixt Mr Adam Gib minister of the Gospel in the associate congregation at Edinburgh, and a country-man in the parish of Biggar, &c. By Adam Gib

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    Edinburgh: Printed by W. Sands, A. Murray, and J. Cochran, MDCCLV. [1755] ; Online-Ausg.: Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 2009

  8. Kaye, William [Author]

    A free, plain, and just way concerning communion and excommunication, at, or from the Lords table : With a Christian account concerning the same. With answers to the objections to the contrary. In which is shewed, that the Church to day hath no more power to excommunicate from the Lords table, then it had yesterday power to separate from the altar, unto which sinners were exhorted by the church to go; whereby they might (as they are required at the Lords table) perfect their praises and repentance. And that the pretended differences in baptism, are no just ground of separation

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    [London: s.n.], Printed in the year, 1655 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  9. Bèze, Théodore de [Author]

    Tractatus pius et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandæ causa, cl. v. Th. Erasti D. Medicicentum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus. Theodoro Beza Vezelio auctore

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    Londini: Impensis Ioan. Norton, M. D. XC. [1590] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  10. Ernulf Bishop of Rochester [Author]

    The Popes dreadful curse : Being the form of an excommunication of the Church of Rome. Taken out of the leger-book of the Church of Rochester, now in the custody of the dean and chapter there. Writ by Ernulfus the Bishop

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    [[Dublin]: Printed for Joseph Howes bookseller in Castle-street, Dublin, 1681] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  11. Mall, Thomas [Author]

    Atrue account of what was done by a Church of Christ in Exon : (whereof Mr. Lewis Stucley is pastor) the eighth day of March, 1657. when two members thereof were excommunicated. Together with the judgement of the non-conformists in the dayes of Q. Elizabeth, and K. Iames, concerning excommunication by a particular church. Published by an eye abd ear-witness

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    London: printed by R.W. for Matthew Keinton, at the Fountain in Pauls Church-yard, 1658 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  12. Woodward, Ezekias [Author]

    Foure grand enquiries : I. Whether this whole nation be a church as the Jewish nation was? II. Whether, by priviledge of infant baptism, all are to be admitted to all church-communions, eo-nomine, without making so much as a profession of their faith, or repentance? III. Whether there can be any suspension from, or excommunication out of their church, as now their church-state is. IV. Whether infants borne of parents notorious for their ignorance and prophanenesse; together with their declared enmities and oppositions against the Lord Christ, may be admitted to baptism, upon this account, that the whole church are their guardians?

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    London: Printed by M.S. for Henry Cripps in Popes-head Alley, 1656 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  13. Prynne, William [Author]

    Foure serious questions of grand importance, concerning excommunication, and suspention from the Sacrament : propounded to the Reverend Assembly, and all moderate Christians, to prevent schismes, and settle unity among us, in these divided times

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    [London: s.n, 1645] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  14. J. D. S [Author]

    The source, force, and course of excommunications : conducing to the clearing of that seeming perplexed question, of and amongst the Assembly of Divines : where the seate of the power of excommunication is? resolved : whether in the churches of, and in monarchies, or in the Presbyterian : extracted out of the originalls in the Old Testament, as the radix, pursuing the New Testament, and so to the civill and cannon lawes, and their congruities with both

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    London: [s.n.], printed 1646 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  15. Prynne, William [Author]

    A vindication of foure serious questions of grand importance : concerning excommunication and suspention from the sacrament of the Lords Supper, from some misprisions and unjust exceptions lately taken against them; both in the pulpit, by a reverend brother of Scotland, in a sermon at Margarets Church in Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at a publike fast there held for Scotland, on the 5th of September last: and in the presse, by three new-printed pamphlets, by way of answer to, and censure of them. Wherein some scripture texts, (commonly reproduced for excommunication, and bare suspention from the Lords Supper onely,) are cleared from false glosses, inferences, conclusions wrested from them

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    London: Printed for John Macock, for Michael Spark senior, 1645 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  16. Fraser, John [Author]

    A lerned epistle of M. Iohn Fraser: Bachler of Diuinitie to the ministers of Great Britanie : Wherin he sheweth that no man ought to subscribe to their confession of faith. And that their presumed authorite to excommunicate anie man, especially Catholiques, is vaine and foolish

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    [Douai: Printed by L. Kellam] Permissu superiorum, 1605 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  17. Bèze, Théodore de [Author]

    Tractatus [pi]us et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandæ causa, cl. v. Th. Erasti D. Medicicentum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus

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    Londini: Impensis Ioan. Norton, M. D. XC. [1590] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO