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  1. Krebs, Johann Ludwig [Author] ; Laar, Jan van de [Performer]

    Organ works (1 CD)

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    Castricum, Netherlands: Globe, P 1992

  2. Orduña Alegría, María Elena [Author] ; Schütze, Niels [Degree supervisor]; Krebs, Peter [Degree supervisor]; Seibert, Jan [Degree supervisor] Technische Universität Dresden

    Optimization of agro-socio-hydrological networks under water scarcity conditions : Inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches for sustainable water resources management.

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    Dresden, March, 2021

  3. Hendrich, Gerat [Author] ; Hempel, Jan [Other]; Kola, Cyril [Other]; Krebs, Günther [Other]

    Die Abenteuer des Pumpot



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    Bautzen: Domowina-Verl., 1970

  4. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Krebs, Johann Ludwig [Composer] ; Pohle, Lucas [Instrumentalist]; Pohle, Lucas [Conductor]; Schwarz, Britta [Singer]; Haugk, Luise [Instrumentalist]; Silbermann, Gottfried [Other] Dresdner Barockorchester

    "Denn Silbermann wird aus dem Werck erkennt" (1 CD)

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    Leipzig: Rondeau Production, [2018]

  5. Hesiodus [Author] ; Robinson, Thomas [Editor]; Krebs, Johann Tobias [Translator]; Krebs, Johann Tobias [Other]; Pasor, Georg [Other]; Schrevel, Cornelis [Other]

    Hēsiodu Askraiu Ta Heuriskomena Hesiodi Ascraei quae extant : Cum Notis Ex Quibusdam Auctoribus Selectis - [Nunc Denuo Ad Editionem Robinsonii Recensuit Interpretationem Latinam Emendavit Notasque Suas Adiecit Jo. Tob. Krebsius A. M.]



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    Leipzig: Dyckius, 1746

  6. Buxtehude, Dietrich [Composer]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Krebs, Johann Ludwig [Composer]; Piutti, Carl [Composer]; Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix [Composer]; Boëllmann, Léon [Composer] ; Böhme, Ullrich [Instrumentalist]; Taddiken, Britta [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Wolff, Jan-Geert [Writer of supplementary textual content]

    Die Orgeln der Thomaskirche zu Leipzig = The organs of St Thomas, Leipzig (1 CD)

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    Leipzig: Rondeau Production, [2017]

  7. Corelli, Arcangelo [Other]; Zelenka, Jan Dismas [Other]; Krebs, Johann Ludwig [Other]; Weissing, Matthias [Other]; Jolivet, André [Other]; Purcell, Henry [Other]; Lohse, Peter [Performer]; Leidenberger, Markus [Performer]

    Konzert für Trompete und Orgel in Neuzelle und Dresden-Neustadt : Variatio delectat; Werke von Corelli, Zelenka, Purcell, Krebs, Jolivet und Weißing (1 CD)

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    Dresden: Orgelpunkt, c 2012

  8. Fasch, Johann Friedrich [Other]; Zelenka, Jan Dismas [Other]; Krebs, Johann Ludwig [Other]; Ciolek, Max [Performer]; Scheen, Céline [Performer]; Wilke, Elisabeth [Performer]; Nolte, Raimund [Performer] ; Vokal-Ensemble Köln, Musica Antiqua Köln, Rheingau-Musik-Festival 2006

    Musica Imperialis - Trauermusiken für den Sächsischen Hof : Konzertmitschnitt vom Rheingau Musik Festival 2006 (2 CD)

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    [S.l.], [2007]

    Published in: Festspiel-Panorama

  9. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Weber, Gunthild [Performer]; Krebs, Helmut [Performer]; Schey, Hermann [Performer]; Lehmann, Fritz [Performer] Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester, Berliner Motettenchor

    "Wie schön leichtet der Morgenstern" : Kantate am Feste Mariä BWV 1; Chor: II. T.; Rezit. (1 Schellackplatte)

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    Germany: Deutsche Grammophon Ges., [19]52

    Published in: Archiv Produktion

  10. Buxtehude, Dietrich [Composer]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Pachelbel, Johann [Composer]; Druckenmüller, Christoph Wolfgang [Composer]; Erich, Daniel [Composer]; Gronau, Daniel Magnus [Composer]; Händel, Georg Friedrich [Composer]; Leyding, Georg Dietrich [Composer]; Krebs, Johann Ludwig [Composer] ; Rost, Martin [Instrumentalist]

    Orgel in St. Jakobi zu Stralsund (1 CD)

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    [Altenburg]: querstand, [2020]