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New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, [2010]
Published in:Rutgers Series in Childhood Studies
Ruijven, Bas van
Levy, Marc A.
Agrawal, Arun
Biermann, Frank
Birkmann, Joern
Carter, Timothy
Ebi, Kristie
Garschagen, Matthias
Jones, Bryan
Jones, Roger
Kemp-Benedict, Eric
Kok, Marcel
Kok, Kasper
Lemos, Maria C.
Lucas, Paul
Orlove, Ben
Pachauri, Shonali
Parris, Thomas M.
Patwardhan, Anand
Petersen, Arthur
Preston, Benjamin
Ribot, Jesse
Rothman, Dale Scott
Schweizer, Vanessa J.
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[S.l.]: SSRN, 2014
Hugg, George C.
Hopper, Edward
Stites, Edgar Page
Showalter, A. J.
MacKay, W. P.
Entwisle, J. Howard
Burrowes, J. F.
Myers, A. F.
Blake, William Pynson
Allen, James Lane
Medley, Samuel
Burnside, Helen Marion
Meredith, I. H.
Scott, Clara H.
Conkey, Ithamar Francis
Black, James M.
Tillman, Charlie D.
MacKellar, Thomas
Post, W. A.
Wyeth, John
Slade, M. B. C.
Oatman, Johnson
Atchinson, J. B.
Reed, Ida L.
Bell, Birdie
School of Theology, Boston University,
George C. Hugg
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Philadelphia: G. C. Hugg, c1903
Abeles, Robert H.
Aprison, M. H.
Bachrach, Uriel
Bergmeyer, H. U.
Bergmeyer, Hans Ulrich
Bergmeyer, Hans Ulrich
Bergmeyer, Hans-Ulrich
Bernath, Paul
Bernt, E.
Bernt, Erich
Bevill, Rardon D.
Boulanger, Paul
Brock, David J. H.
Brosnan, John T.
Chase, James F. A.
Coddington, Alan
Cooperman, Jack M.
Dagley, Stanley
Decker, Karl
Egami, Fujio
Eggstein, Manfred
Fasold, Hugo
Friebe, Ursula
Friedmann, Herbert C.