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  1. Tolksdorf, Johann Friedrich [Author]; Kaiser, Knut [Author]; Petr, Libor [Author]; Herbig, Christoph [Author]; Kočár, Petr [Author]; Heinrich, Susann [Author]; Wilke, Franziska D. H. [Author]; Theuerkauf, Martin [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]; Schubert, Matthias [Author]; Schröder, Frank [Author]; Křivánek, Roman [Author]; Schulz, Lars [Author]; Bonhage, Alexander [Author]; Hemker, Christiane [Author]

    Past human impact in a mountain forest : geoarchaeology of a medieval glass production and charcoal hearth site in the Erzgebirge, Germany



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    Published in: Regional environmental change ; 20(2020), Seite xx

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  2. Stolz, Christian [Author]; Grunert, Jörg [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]

    Quantification and dating of floodplain sedimentation in a medium-sized catchment of the German uplands: a case study from the Aar Valley in the southern Rhenish Massif, Germany

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    Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 2013-09-03

    Published in: DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin; Vol 144 No 1 (2013); 30-50 ; DIE ERDE – Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin; Bd. 144 Nr. 1 (2013); 30-50 ; 0013-9998

  3. Stolz, Christian [Author]; Suchora, Magdalena [Author]; Pidek, Irena A [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]

    Lake and inland dunes as interconnected systems: the story of lake Tresssee and an adjacent dune field (Schleswig-Holstein, North Germany)

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    Los Angeles, Calif.: SAGE Publications, 2021

    Published in: The holocene ; 31, 4 (2021), 672-689

  4. Schwahn, Lea [Author]; Schulze, Tabea [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]; Zeeden, Christian [Author]; Preusser, Frank [Author]; Sprafke, Tobias [Author]

    Multi-method study of the Middle Pleistocene loess–palaeosol sequence of Köndringen, SW Germany

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    Published in: Quaternary science journal ; 72(2023), 1/2, Seite 1-21

  5. Dahlhausen, Kathrin [Author]; Empel, Nina van [Author]; Kliem, Lea [Author]; Fülling, Julia [Author]; Herrmann, Katharina [Author]; Schrode, Alexander [Author]; Wirth, Julia [Author] ; Klatt, Anne [Editor]; Hanzlik, Daniel [Editor]; Seim, Julia [Editor]; Sobczyk, Samantha [Editor]; Schultz, Lara [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt

    Pflanzenbetonte Ernährung fördern : Empfehlungen eines Bürger*innen-Dialogs - [Stand: Oktober 2023]

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, [2023?]

    Published in: Broschüren / Umweltbundesamt

  6. Zeeden, Christian [Author]; Hambach, Ulrich [Author]; Steguweit, Leif [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]; Anghelinu, Mircea [Author]; Zöller, Ludwig [Author]

    Using the relative intensity variation of the earth’s magnetic palaeofield as correlative dating technique : a case study from loess with Upper Palaeolithic cultural layers at Poiana Cireşului, Romania = Die Anwendung der relativen Intensität des Paläoerdmagnetfeldes als korrelative Datierungsmethode : eine Fallstudie an Löss mit jungpaläolithischen Kulturschichten aus Poiana Cireşului, Rumänien

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    Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2009 ; Online-Ausgabe, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2021

    Published in: Quartär ; 56(2009), Seite 175-185

  7. Engel, Max [Author]; Dotterweich, Markus Walfried [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]; Brill, Dominik [Author]; Broisch-Höhner, Manuela [Author]; Totschnig, Ralf [Author]; Seren, Sirri [Author]; Kehl, Martin [Author]

    Syn‐ and post‐eruptive gully formation near the Laacher See volcano

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    New York, NY: Wiley, 2021

    Published in: Earth surface processes and landforms ; 46, 9 (2021), 1783-1796

  8. Dotterweich, Markus Walfried [Author]; Wenzel, Stefan [Author]; Schreg, Rainer [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]; Engel, Max [Author]; Sonnenschein, Jannis Joseph [Author]; Maus, Christian [Author]; Stöck, Martina [Author]; Klumpp, Simone [Author]; Müller, Christopher [Author]; Christ, Martin [Author]; Keller, Veronika [Author]; Opitz, Stephan [Author]

    Landschaftsentwicklung im Segbachtal

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    Published in: Wenzel, Stefan: Römische Landnutzung im antiken Industrierevier der Osteifel ; (2021), Seite 355-391

  9. Dotterweich, Markus Walfried [Author]; Wenzel, Stefan [Author]; Schreg, Rainer [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]; Engel, Max [Author]; Sonnenschein, Jannis Joseph [Author]; Maus, Christian [Author]; Stöck, Martina [Author]; Klumpp, Simone [Author]; Müller, Christopher [Author]; Christ, Martin [Author]; Keller, Veronika [Author]; Opitz, Stephan [Author]

    Landschaftsentwicklung im Segbachtal, digitaler Anhang - Methoden und detaillierte Ergebnisse

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    Published in: Wenzel, Stefan: Römische Landnutzung im antiken Industrierevier der Osteifel ; 2021

  10. Suchodoletz, Hans von [Author]; Khosravichenar, Azra [Author]; Fütterer, Pierre [Author]; Zielhofer, Christoph [Author]; Schneider, Birgit [Author]; Sprafke, Tobias [Author]; Tinapp, Christian [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]; Werther, Lukas [Author]; Stäuble, Harald [Author]; Hein, Michael [Author]; Veit, Ulrich [Author]; Ettel, Peter [Author]; Werban, Ulrike [Author]; Miera, Jan [Author]

    Holocene overbank sedimentation in Central Europe between natural and human drivers : the Weiße Elster River (Central Germany)

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    Published in: Geomorphology ; 449(2024), Artikel-ID 109067

  11. Kirsten, Fabian [Author]; Fülling, Alexander [Author]; Heinrich, Susann [Author]; Schneider, Birgit [Author]; Heinrich, Jürgen [Author]; Institute for Geography, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany [Author]; Sedimentary Geology and Quaternary Research, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany [Author]; Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany [Author]; Department of Earth Sciences, Physical Geography, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany [Author]

    Early Holocene aeolian sediments in southwestern Crete−preliminary results

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    Springer International Publishing, 2021-07-27