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  1. Bagley, Edwin Eugene Komponist; Berlin, Irving Komponist; Billings, William Komponist; Boskerck, Francis Saltus van Komponist; Camphouse, Mark Komponist; Chambers, William Paris Komponist; Cohan, George M. Komponist; Crawford, Robert MacArthur Komponist; Durhan, Louis Komponist; Dykes, John Bacchus Komponist; Frankhauser, Eric Komponist; Goldman, Edwin Franko Komponist; Gould, Morton Komponist; Greenwood, Lee Komponist; Grossman, Larry Komponist; Gruber, Edmund L. Komponist; Hall, Robert Browne Komponist; Harling, William Franke Komponist; Harris, Harry Komponist; Hummel, Silas E. Komponist; Humphrey, Travis James Komponist; Isham, Mark Komponist; Jackson, Jack Komponist; Jacobs, Al Komponist; [...] ; 1st Marine Division Band, President's Own United States Marine Band, The, United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chorale, United States Air Force Band, United States Air Force Band, Ceremonial Brass, United States Air Force Band of Flight, United States Air Force Band of the Golden West, United States Air Force Band of the Rockies, United States Air Force Concert Band, United States Air Force Heritage of America Band, United States Air Force Reserve Band, United States Air Force Singing Sergeants, United States Army Band, United States Army Chorus, United States Army Field Band, United States Army Field Band Soldiers' Chorus, United States Coast Guard Band, The, United States Navy Band, United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus


    Sound Recordings
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    Altissimo, 110905

    Published in: Altissimo

  2. Richmond, Tammy; Peterson, Christopher; Cason, Jana; Billings, Mike; Terrell, Evelyn Abrahante; Lee, Alan Chong W.; Towey, Michael; Parmanto, Bambang; Saptano, Andi; Cohn, Ellen R.; Brennan, David

    American Telemedicine Association’s Principles for Delivering Telerehabilitation Services

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    University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, 2017

    Published in: International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 9 (2017) 2, Seite 63-68

  3. Billings, Liana K.; Jablonski, Kathleen A.; Ackerman, Rachel J.; Taylor, Andrew; Fanelli, Rebecca R.; McAteer, Jarred B.; Guiducci, Candace; Delahanty, Linda M.; Dabelea, Dana; Kahn, Steven E.; Franks, Paul W.; Hanson, Robert L.; Maruthur, Nisa M.; Shuldiner, Alan R.; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J.; Knowler, William C.; Florez, Jose C.

    The Influence of Rare Genetic Variation in SLC30A8 on Diabetes Incidence and β-Cell Function

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    The Endocrine Society, 2014

    Published in: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 99 (2014) 5, Seite E926-E930

  4. Billings, Liana K; Jablonski, Kathleen A; Warner, A Sofia; Cheng, Yu-Chien; McAteer, Jarred B; Tipton, Laura; Shuldiner, Alan R; Ehrmann, David A; Manning, Alisa K; Dabelea, Dana; Franks, Paul W; Kahn, Steven E; Pollin, Toni I; Knowler, William C; Altshuler, David; Florez, Jose C

    Variation in Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young Genes Influence Response to Interventions for Diabetes Prevention

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    The Endocrine Society, 2017

    Published in: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 102 (2017) 8, Seite 2678-2689

  5. Richter, Daniel deB.; Bacon, Allan R.; Mobley, Megan L.; Richardson, Curtis J.; Andrews, Susan S.; West, Larry; Wills, Skye; Billings, Sharon; Cambardella, Cynthia A.; Cavallaro, Nancy; DeMeester, Julie E.; Franzluebbers, Alan J.; Grandy, A. Stuart; Grunwald, Sabine; Gruver, Joel; Hartshorn, Anthony S.; Janzen, Henry; Kramer, Marc G.; Ladha, Jagdish K.; Lajtha, Kate; Liles, Garrett C.; Markewitz, Daniel; Megonigal, Patrick J.; Mermut, Ahmet R.; [...]

    Human-Soil Relations are Changing Rapidly: Proposals from SSSA's Cross-Divisional Soil Change Working Group

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    Wiley, 2011

    Published in: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75 (2011) 6, Seite 2079-2084

  6. Billings, Liana K.; Hsu, Yi-Hsiang; Ackerman, Rachel J.; Dupuis, Josée; Voight, Benjamin F.; Rasmussen-Torvik, Laura J.; Hercberg, Serge; Lathrop, Mark; Barnes, Daniel; Langenberg, Claudia; Hui, Jennie; Fu, Mao; Bouatia-Naji, Nabila; Lecoeur, Cecile; An, Ping; Magnusson, Patrik K.; Surakka, Ida; Ripatti, Samuli; Christiansen, Lene; Dalgård, Christine; Folkersen, Lasse; Grundberg, Elin; Eriksson, Per; Kaprio, Jaakko; [...]

    Impact of Common Variation in Bone-Related Genes on Type 2 Diabetes and Related Traits

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    American Diabetes Association, 2012

    Published in: Diabetes, 61 (2012) 8, Seite 2176-2186

  7. Jackson, Alexander I.R.; Boney, Oliver; Pearse, Rupert M.; Kurz, Andrea; Cooper, D. James; van Klei, Wilton A.; Cabrini, Luca; Miller, Timothy E.; Moonesinghe, S. Ramani; Myles, Paul S.; Grocott, Michael P.W.; Myles, Paul; Gan, T.J.; Kurz, Andrea; Peyton, Phil; Sessler, Dan; Tramèr, Martin; Cyna, Alan; De Oliveira, Gildasio S.; Wu, Christopher; Jensen, Mark; Kehlet, Henrik; Botti, Mari; Boney, Oliver; [...]

    Systematic reviews and consensus definitions for the Standardised Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine (StEP) initiative: mortality, morbidity, and organ failure

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    Elsevier BV, 2023

    Published in: British Journal of Anaesthesia, 130 (2023) 4, Seite 404-411

  8. Chang, Jolie L.; Goldberg, Andrew N.; Alt, Jeremiah A.; Mohammed, Alzoubaidi; Ashbrook, Liza; Auckley, Dennis; Ayappa, Indu; Bakhtiar, Hira; Barrera, José E.; Bartley, Bethany L.; Billings, Martha E.; Boon, Maurits S.; Bosschieter, Pien; Braverman, Itzhak; Brodie, Kara; Cabrera‐Muffly, Cristina; Caesar, Ray; Cahali, Michel B.; Cai, Yi; Cao, Michelle; Capasso, Robson; Caples, Sean M.; Chahine, Lana M.; Chang, Corissa P.; [...]

    International Consensus Statement on Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Wiley, 2023

    Published in: International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, 13 (2023) 7, Seite 1061-1482

  9. Gray, Richard; Patel, Smitaa; Ives, Natalie; Rick, Caroline; Woolley, Rebecca; Muzerengi, Sharon; Gray, Alastair; Jenkinson, Crispin; McIntosh, Emma; Wheatley, Keith; Williams, Adrian; Clarke, C. E.; Young, Keith; Price, Helen; Price, Jon; Lambert, Anne; Reeve, Robin; Sewell, Martin; Broome, Sally; Williams, Adrian; Baker, Mary; Clarke, Carl; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Gray, Alastair; [...]

    Long-term Effectiveness of Adjuvant Treatment With Catechol-O-Methyltransferase or Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitors Compared With Dopamine Agonists Among Patients With Parkinson Disease Uncontrolled by Levodopa Therapy : The PD MED Randomized Clinical Trial : The PD MED Randomized Clinical Trial

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    American Medical Association (AMA), 2022

    Published in: JAMA Neurology, 79 (2022) 2, Seite 131

  10. Johnson, Mark W.; Doft, Bernard H.; Kelsey, Sheryl F.; Barza, Michael; Wilson, Louis A.; Barr, Charles C.; Wisniewski, Stephen R.; Vine, Andrew K.; Blodi, Barbara A.; Elner, Susan G.; Johnson, Mark W.; Jessup, Laurie M.; Khanderia, Sharad; Pierson, Carl L.; Jessup, Laurie M.; Willis, Julie; McIver, Frances; Stanley, Sally; Sneed, Scott R.; Capone, Antonio; Aaberg, Thomas M.; Lim, Jennifer I.; Sternberg, Paul; Coffman, Diana S.; [...]

    The Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study

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    Elsevier BV, 1997

    Published in: Ophthalmology, 104 (1997) 2, Seite 261-272

  11. Merino, Jordi; Jablonski, Kathleen A.; Mercader, Josep M.; Kahn, Steven E.; Chen, Ling; Harden, Maegan; Delahanty, Linda M.; Araneta, Maria Rosario G.; Walford, Geoffrey A.; Jacobs, Suzanne B.R.; Ibebuogu, Uzoma N.; Franks, Paul W.; Knowler, William C.; Florez, Jose C.; Bray, George A.; Gadde, Kishore; Chatellier, Annie; Arceneaux, Jennifer; Dragg, Amber; Duncan, Crystal; Greenway, Frank L.; Hsia, Daniel; Levy, Erma; Lockett, Monica; [...]

    Interaction Between Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Strategies and Genetic Determinants of Coronary Artery Disease on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors

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    American Diabetes Association, 2020

    Published in: Diabetes, 69 (2020) 1, Seite 112-120

  12. Li, Josephine H.; Perry, James A.; Jablonski, Kathleen A.; Srinivasan, Shylaja; Chen, Ling; Todd, Jennifer N.; Harden, Maegan; Mercader, Josep M.; Pan, Qing; Dawed, Adem Y.; Yee, Sook Wah; Pearson, Ewan R.; Giacomini, Kathleen M.; Giri, Ayush; Hung, Adriana M.; Xiao, Shujie; Williams, L. Keoki; Franks, Paul W.; Hanson, Robert L.; Kahn, Steven E.; Knowler, William C.; Pollin, Toni I.; Florez, Jose C.; Bray, George A.; [...]

    Identification of Genetic Variation Influencing Metformin Response in a Multiancestry Genome-Wide Association Study in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)

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    American Diabetes Association, 2023

    Published in: Diabetes, 72 (2023) 8, Seite 1161-1172

  13. Chen, Zsu-Zsu; Liu, Jinxi; Morningstar, Jordan; Heckman-Stoddard, Brandy M.; Lee, Christine G.; Dagogo-Jack, Samuel; Ferguson, Jane F.; Hamman, Richard F.; Knowler, William C.; Mather, Kieren J.; Perreault, Leigh; Florez, Jose C.; Wang, Thomas J.; Clish, Clary; Temprosa, Marinella; Gerszten, Robert E.; Bray, George A.; Gadde, Kishore; Chatellier, Annie; Arceneaux, Jennifer; Dragg, Amber; Duncan, Crystal; Greenway, Frank L.; Hsia, Daniel; [...]

    Metabolite Profiles of Incident Diabetes and Heterogeneity of Treatment Effect in the Diabetes Prevention Program

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    American Diabetes Association, 2019

    Published in: Diabetes, 68 (2019) 12, Seite 2337-2349

  14. Lee, Christine G.; Ciarleglio, Adam; Edelstein, Sharon L.; Crandall, Jill P.; Dabelea, Dana; Goldberg, Ronald B.; Kahn, Steven E.; Knowler, William C.; Ma, Maxwell T.; White, Neil H.; Herman, William H.; Bray, George A.; Gadde, Kishore M.; Culbert, Iris W.; Arceneaux, Jennifer; Chatellier, Annie; Dragg, Amber; Champagne, Catherine M.; Duncan, Crystal; Eberhardt, Barbara; Greenway, Frank; Guillory, Fonda G.; Herbert, April A.; Jeffirs, Michael L.; [...]

    Prevalence of Distal Symmetrical Polyneuropathy by Diabetes Prevention Program Treatment Group, Diabetes Status, Duration of Diabetes, and Cumulative Glycemic Exposure

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    American Diabetes Association, 2024

    Published in: Diabetes Care, 47 (2024) 5, Seite 810-817

  15. Domalpally, Amitha; Whittier, Samuel A.; Pan, Qing; Dabelea, Dana M.; Darwin, Christine H.; Knowler, William C.; Lee, Christine G.; Luchsinger, Jose A.; White, Neil H.; Chew, Emily Y.; Bray, George A.; Gadde, Kishore M.; Culbert, Iris W.; Arceneaux, Jennifer; Chatellier, Annie; Dragg, Amber; Champagne, Catherine M.; Duncan, Crystal; Eberhardt, Barbara; Greenway, Frank; Guillory, Fonda G.; Herbert, April A.; Jeffirs, Michael L.; Kennedy, Betty M.; [...]

    Association of Metformin With the Development of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    American Medical Association (AMA), 2023

    Published in: JAMA Ophthalmology, 141 (2023) 2, Seite 140

  16. Shams-White, Marissa M.; Tjaden, Ashley H.; Edelstein, Sharon L.; Bassiouni, Sarah; Kahle, Lisa L.; Kim, Catherine; Pi-Sunyer, Xavier; Temple, Karla A.; Venditti, Elizabeth M.; Reedy, Jill; Heckman-Stoddard, Brandy M.; Bray, George A.; Gadde, Kishore M.; Culbert, Iris W.; Arceneaux, Jennifer; Chatellier, Annie; Dragg, Amber; Champagne, Catherine M.; Duncan, Crystal; Eberhardt, Barbara; Greenway, Frank; Guillory, Fonda G.; Herbert, April A.; Jeffirs, Michael L.; [...]

    The 2018 World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) score and diabetes risk in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS)

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: BMC Nutrition, 8 (2022) 1

  17. Lee, Christine G.; Heckman-Stoddard, Brandy; Dabelea, Dana; Gadde, Kishore M.; Ehrmann, David; Ford, Leslie; Prorok, Philip; Boyko, Edward J.; Pi-Sunyer, Xavier; Wallia, Amisha; Knowler, William C.; Crandall, Jill P.; Temprosa, Marinella; Bray, George A.; Gadde, Kishore M.; Culbert, Iris W.; Arceneaux, Jennifer; Chatellier, Annie; Dragg, Amber; Champagne, Catherine M.; Duncan, Crystal; Eberhardt, Barbara; Greenway, Frank; Guillory, Fonda G.; [...]

    Effect of Metformin and Lifestyle Interventions on Mortality in the Diabetes Prevention Program and Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study

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    American Diabetes Association, 2021

    Published in: Diabetes Care, 44 (2021) 12, Seite 2775-2782