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  1. Kang, Junhua [Author]; Chen, Lin [Author]; Deng, Fei [Author]; Heipke, Christian [Author]; Paparoditis, N. [Author]; Mallet, C. [Author]; Lafarge, F. [Author]; Remondino, Fabio [Author]; Toschi, Isabella [Author]; Fuse, Takashi [Author]

    Improving disparity estimation based on residual cost volume and reconstruction error volume - [published Version]

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    Katlenburg-Lindau : Copernicus Publications, 2020

    Published in: XXIV ISPRS Congress, Commission II : edition 2020 ; ISPRS Archives ; 43,B2

  2. Billy, Antoine [Author] ; Bordeaux [Contributor]; Desbarats, Pascal [Contributor]; Domenger, Jean-Philippe [Contributor]

    Imagerie multimodale 3D+ pour drone : application à l’évaluation de l’état phytosanitaire de la vigne ; 3D+ multi-modal imaging on UAV : application to the assessment of the phytosanitary health of the vine

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  3. Delaunoy, Amaël [Author] ; Grenoble [Contributor]; Sturm, Peter [Contributor]; Prados, Emmanuel [Contributor]

    Modélisation 3D à partir d'images : contributions en reconstruction photométrique à l'aide de maillages déformables ; Multi-view Shape Modeling from Images : Contributions to Photometric-based Reconstruction using Deformable Meshes

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  4. Pelcat, Jimmy [Author] ; Rouen, INSA [Contributor]; Bensrhair, Abdelaziz [Contributor]

    Reconstruction 3D et production de carte dense de disparité en stéréovision non-alignée pour des applications industrielles de localisation 3D et d'analyse de surface ; 3D reconstruction and production of dense disparity map in non-aligned stereo vision for industrial applications of 3D measurement and surface analysis

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  5. Tannouri, Anthony [Author] ; Bourgogne Franche-Comté [Contributor]; Guyeux, Christophe [Contributor]; Makhoul, Abdallah [Contributor]; Darazi, Rony [Contributor]

    Using Wireless multimedia sensor networks for 3D scene asquisition and reconstruction ; Utilisation des réseaux de capteurs multimédia sans fil pour l'acquisition et la reconstruction des scènes en 3D

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  6. Ok, A.O. [Author]; Wegner, Jan Dirk [Author]; Heipke, Christian [Author]; Rottensteiner, Franz [Author]; Sörgel, Uwe [Author]; Toprak, V. [Author]; Heipke, C. [Author]; Jacobsen, K. [Author]; Rottensteiner, F. [Author]; Müller, S. [Author]; Sörgel, U. [Author]

    Accurate matching and reconstruction of line features from ultra high resolution stereo aerial images - [published Version]

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    Katlenburg-Lindau : Copernicus Publications, 2011

    Published in: ISPRS Hannover Workshop 2011: High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information ; The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ; 38-4/W19

  7. Wiggenhagen, M. [Author]; Elmhorst, A. [Author]; Wißmann, U. [Author]; Altan, Orhan [Author]

    Repeated object reconstruction of the Bremen Hanse Cog - [published Version]

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    Göttingen : Copernicus GmbH, 2004

    Published in: XXth ISPRS Congress : Technical Commission V ; The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ; XXXV Part B5

  8. Riu, Clément [Author] ; Université Gustave Eiffel [Contributor]; Nozick, Vincent [Contributor]; Monasse, Pascal [Contributor]

    Improving 3D Reconstruction using Adaptative RanSaC and Benchmarking with Semi-Artificial Data Generation ; Améliorer la reconstruction 3D avec les méthodes de RanSaC adaptatives et une génération de données semi-artificielle

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  9. Bergmeier, Jan [Author]; Kundrat, Dennis [Author]; Schoob, Andreas [Author]; Kahrs, Lüder Alexander [Author]; Ortmaier, Tobias [Author]; Yaniv, Ziv R. [Author]; Webster, Robert J. III [Author]

    Methods for a fusion of Optical Coherence Tomography and stereo camera image data - [published Version]

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    Bellingham, Wash. : SPIE, 2015

    Published in: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling : Medical Imaging 2015 : 22-24 February 2015, Orlando, Florida, United States ; Proceedings of SPIE 9415 (2015)

  10. Coenen, Max [Author]; Rottensteiner, Franz [Author]; Heipke, Christian [Author]; Rottensteiner, F. [Author]; Jacobsen, K. [Author]; Ying, Yang, M. [Author]; Heipke, C. [Author]; Skaloud, J. [Author]; Stilla, U. [Author]; Colomina, I. [Author]; Yilmaz, A. [Author]

    Detection and 3D modelling of vehicles from terrestrial stereo image pairs - [published Version]

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    Göttingen : Copernicus GmbH, 2017

    Published in: ISPRS Hannover Workshop: HRIGI 17 – CMRT 17 – ISA 17 – EuroCOW 17 ; The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ; XLII-1/W1

  11. Ok, A.O. [Author]; Wegner, J.D. [Author]; Heipke, Christian [Author]; Rottensteiner, Franz [Author]; Sörgel, Uwe [Author]; Toprak, V. [Author]; Paradotitis, N. [Author]; Pierrot-Deseilligny, M. [Author]; Mallet, C. [Author]; Tournaire, O. [Author]

    A new straight line reconstruction methodology from multi-spectral stereo aerial images - [published Version]

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    London : International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2010

    Published in: ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium. PCV 2010 - Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis ; The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ; 38 Part 3A

  12. Coenen, M. [Author]; Rottensteiner, F. [Author]; Heipke, C. [Author]; Vosselman, G. [Author]; Oude Elberink, S.J. [Author]; Yang, M.Y. [Author]

    Precise Vehicle reconstruction for autonomous driving applications - [published Version]

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    Göttingen : Copernicus GmbH, 2019

    Published in: ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019 : 10-14 June 2019, Enschede, The Netherlands ; ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ; IV-2/W5

  13. Fast, Jacob Friedemann [Author]; Dava, Hardik R. [Author]; Rüppel, Adrian Karl [Author]; Kundrat, Dennis [Author]; Krauth, Maurice [Author]; Laves, Max-Heinrich [Author]; Spindeldreier, Svenja [Author]; Kahrs, Lüder Alexander [Author]; Ptok, Martin [Author] ; Technische Universität Hamburg, Technische Universität Hamburg Institut für Medizintechnische Systeme

    Stereo laryngoscopic impact site prediction for droplet-based stimulation of the laryngeal adductor reflex

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    Published in: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: IEEE access ; 9(2021), Seite 112177-112192