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Boyer, Frédéric [Other]; Du Bellay, Joachim [Other]Joachim DuBellay : un tableau synoptique de la vie et des oeuvres de Joachim du Bellay et des événements artistiques, littéraires et historiques du 16. siècle; une suite iconographique accompagnée d'un commentaire sur Joachim du Bellay et son tempsClose
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Published in: Écrivains d'hier et d'aujourd'hui ; 3,1973
Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer d' [Author] ; Olivet, Pierre Joseph d' [Other]Die Philosophie der gesunden Vernunft, oder Philosophische Betrachtungen über die Ungewißheit der menschlichen Erkäntniß : zum Gebrauch vornehmer Standes-Personen beiderlei GeschlechtsClose
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Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer d' [Author] ; Olivet, Pierre Joseph d' [Other]La philosophie du bon-sens ou réflexions philosophiques sur l'incertitude des connoissances humaines : à l'usage des cavaliers & du beau-sexeClose
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Gervais, Charles-Hubert [Composer]; Campra, André [Composer]; Lully, Jean-Baptiste [Composer]; Déstouches, André Cardinal [Composer]; Desmarets, Henry [Composer]; Lalande, Michel-Richard de [Composer] ; Guérin d'Estriché, Nicolas-Armand-Martial [Other]; Molière [Other]; Boyer, Claude [Other]; La Motte, Antoine Houdar de [Other]; Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste [Other]; Regnard, Jean François [Other]Recueil Des Opera, Des Ballets, & des plus-belles Pièces en Musique, qui ont été representées depuis dix ou douze ans jusques à présent devant sa Majesté tres-Chrestienne / 7 - [Textbuch. - Suivant la copie de Paris]Close
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Lully, Jean-Baptiste [Author]; Corneille, Thomas [Lyricist]; Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de [Lyricist] ; Corneille, Thomas [Other]; Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de [Other]Bellérophon : tragédie - PartiturClose
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Lully, Jean-Baptiste [Author]; Corneille, Thomas [Author]; Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de [Author] ; Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas [Other]Bellerophon : Tragedie. Represente'e Par L'Academie Royale De Musique - [Textbuch]View onlineClose
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Lully, Jean-Baptiste [Composer]; Corneille, Thomas [Librettist]; Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de [Librettist] ; Schmitt-Hallenberg, Holger [Editor]Bellérophon : Tragédie en musique en cinq actes avec un prologue : Académie Royale de Musique, Paris, 1679 - PartiturClose
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Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de [Author] ; Gottsched, Johann Christoph [Other]; Picart, Bernard [Illustrator]; Bernigeroth, Johann Martin [Illustrator]; Dale, Antonius van [Other]; Breitkopf, Bernhard Christoph [Printer]Herrn Bernhards von Fontenelle, der königl. pariser Akademie der Wissenschaften beständigen Secretärs, und der französ. Akademie daselbst Mitgliedes, Auserlesene SchriftenView onlineClose
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Levia, Delphis F. [Editor]; Carlyle-Moses, Darryl [Other]Forest hydrology and biogeochemistry : synthesis of past research and future directionsView onlineClose
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Published in: Ecological studies ; 216
Trier, Johann Paul [Author] ; Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer d' [Other]; Boëtius, Johann Balthasar [Printer]; Grießbach, Michael Gottlieb [Printer]Erinnerungen bey der Philosophie des guten Verstandes, welche der Herr Marquis d'Argens zum Gebrauch der Cavaliers und des Frauenzimmers geschriebenView onlineSchließen
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Vialard, J. [Author]; Duvel, J. P. [Author]; Mcphaden, M. J. [Author]; Bouruet-Aubertot, P. [Author]; Ward, B. [Author]; Key, E. [Author]; Bourras, D. [Author]; Weller, R. [Author]; Minnett, P. [Author]; Weill, A. [Author]; Cassou, C. [Author]; Eymard, L. [Author]; Fristedt, T. [Author]; Basdevant, C. [Author]; Dandonneau, Y. [Author]; Duteil, Olaf [Author]; Izumo, T. [Author]; de Boyer Montégut, C. [Author]; Masson, S. [Author]; Marsac, F. [Author]; Menkes, C. [Author]; Kennan, S. [Author]Supplement to Cirene: Air-Sea Interactions in the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge RegionView onlineSchließen
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Kanter, D. [Author]; Winiwarter, W. [Author]; Bodirsky, B. [Author]; Bouwman, L. [Author]; Boyer, E. [Author]; Buckle, S. [Author]; Compton, J. [Author]; Dalgaard, T. [Author]; de Vries, W. [Author]; Leclere, D. [Author]; Leip, A. [Author]; Müller, C. [Author]; Popp, A. [Author]; Raghuram, N. [Author]; Rao, S. [Author]; Sutton, M. [Author]; Tian, H. [Author]; Westhoek, H. [Author]; Zhang, X. [Author]; Zurek, M. [Author]A framework for nitrogen futures in the shared socioeconomic pathwaysView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Global Environmental Change
Abou-Zeid, A [Contributor]; Agkawal, M. D [Contributor]; Albers, C [Contributor]; Andrievskn, A. I [Contributor]; Babinchuk, V. S [Contributor]; Balabanov, S [Contributor]; Beige, H [Contributor]; Beran, M. J [Contributor]; Bernard, J [Contributor]; Bernhardt, Hj [Contributor]; Beróti, I [Contributor]; Bidjin, D [Contributor]; Boyer, L [Contributor]; Brooks, C. R [Contributor]; Cbocker, A. G [Contributor]; Chakravarti, A. K [Contributor]; Chou, Y. T [Contributor]; Chvorostenko, A. S [Contributor]; Clarke, P. T [Contributor]; Coedoba, G [Contributor]; Crocker, A. G [Contributor]; Damaskin, I. A [Contributor]; Dargys, A [Contributor]; Demoulin, E [Contributor]; [...]Physica status solidi : Volume 6, Number 2: August 16 - [Reprint 2021]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 6, Number 2 ; A
Afman, H. B [Contributor]; Amelinckx, S [Contributor]; Arnott, D. R [Contributor]; Arsenev, P. A [Contributor]; Barone, A [Contributor]; Beke, D [Contributor]; Bender, A. S [Contributor]; Besnus, M. J [Contributor]; Bienert, K. E [Contributor]; Bodmee, A [Contributor]; Bollmann, W [Contributor]; Boning, K [Contributor]; Botros, K. Z [Contributor]; Boyer, A [Contributor]; Brooks, C. R [Contributor]; Buravikhin, V. A [Contributor]; Burns, S. J [Contributor]; Bürger, W [Contributor]; Caywood, J. M [Contributor]; Chandbasekhaeaiah, M. N [Contributor]; Cordoba, G [Contributor]; Craus, M. L [Contributor]; Danan, H [Contributor]; Davey, B [Contributor]; [...]Physica status solidi : Volume 13, Number 2: October 16 - [Reprint 2021]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 13, Number 2 ; A
Abdel-Maksoud, S [Contributor]; Abdelmohsen, N [Contributor]; Abou El Ela, A. H [Contributor]; Adyalova, F. R [Contributor]; Ammer, C [Contributor]; Anagnostopoulos, A. N [Contributor]; Andreev, A. V [Contributor]; Andreev, G. A [Contributor]; Angelov, S [Contributor]; Arashi, H [Contributor]; Avasthi, M. N [Contributor]; Axmann, A [Contributor]; Bahgat, A. A [Contributor]; Barankova, H [Contributor]; Barua, K [Contributor]; Bauer, Ph [Contributor]; Becker, P [Contributor]; Bertrand, O [Contributor]; Bethge, H [Contributor]; Blaise, A [Contributor]; Bliek, L [Contributor]; Bohmhammel, K [Contributor]; Borodko, G [Contributor]; Boyer, A [Contributor]; [...]Physica status solidi : Volume 71, Number 2: June 16 - [Reprint 2021]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 71, Number 2 ; A
Adam, M. [Contributor]; Amerongen, H. van [Contributor]; Andries, Christiane [Contributor]; Ankrim, M. [Contributor]; Antonietti, Markus [Contributor]; Anufrieva, Elizaveta [Contributor]; Aouadj, Omar [Contributor]; Ausserré, Dominique [Contributor]; Balabaev, N.K [Contributor]; Berek, Dusan [Contributor]; Biaszczak, Z. [Contributor]; Blok, Joh [Contributor]; Bloys van Treslong, Kees [Contributor]; Bohidar, Himadri [Contributor]; Bojarski, Czeslaw [Contributor]; Bolshakov, G.F [Contributor]; Borbely, S. [Contributor]; Boyer, W. [Contributor]; Brak, P. [Contributor]; Brown, Wyn [Contributor]; Candau, F. [Contributor]; Candau, S. [Contributor]; Candau, S.J [Contributor]; Chalanyova, Maria [Contributor]; [...]Physical optics of dynamic phenomena and processes in macromolecular systems : Proceedings. 27th Microsymposium on Macromolecules, Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 16–19, 1984 - [Reprint 2019]View onlineSchließen
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Lumpkin, Rick [Author]; Baringer, Molly [Author]; Bif, Mariana B. [Author]; Boyer, Tim [Author]; Bushinsky, Seth M. [Author]; Carter, Brendan R. [Author]; Cetinić, Ivona [Author]; Chambers, Don P. [Author]; Cheng, Lijing [Author]; Chiba, Sanai [Author]; Dai, Minhan [Author]; Domingues, Catia M. [Author]; Dong, Shenfu [Author]; Fassbender, Andrea J. [Author]; Feely, Richard A. [Author]; Frajka-Williams, Eleanor [Author]; Franz, Bryan A. [Author]; Gilson, John [Author]; Goni, Gustavo [Author]; Hamlington, Benjamin D. [Author]; Hu, Zeng-Zhen [Author]; Huang, Boyin [Author]; Ishii, Masayoshi [Author]; Jevrejeva, Svetlana [Author]; [...]Global OceansView onlineSchließen
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Aaij, Roel [Author]; Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W. [Author]; Abellan Beteta, C. [Author]; Abudinén, F. [Author]; Ackernley, T. [Author]; Adeva, B. [Author]; Adinolfi, M. [Author]; Adlarson, P. [Author]; Afsharnia, H. [Author]; Agapopoulou, C. [Author]; Aidala, C. A. [Author]; Ajaltouni, Z. [Author]; Akar, S. [Author]; Akiba, K. [Author]; Albicocco, P. [Author]; Albrecht, J. [Author]; Alessio, F. [Author]; Alexander, M. [Author]; Alfonso Albero, A. [Author]; Aliouche, Z. [Author]; Alvarez Cartelle, P. [Author]; Amalric, R. [Author]; Amato, S. [Author]; Amey, J. L. [Author]; [...] ; LHCb CollaborationStudy of the Bose-Einstein correlations of same-sign pions in proton-lead collisionsView onlineClose
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Published in: Journal of high energy physics ; (2023), 9, Artikel-ID 172, Seite 1-28
Litaudon, X. [Author]; Abduallev, S. [Author]; Airila, M. [Author]; Blackburn, J. [Author]; Shevelev, A. [Author]; Shumack, A. [Author]; Sias, G. [Author]; Sibbald, M. [Author]; Sieglin, B. [Author]; Silburn, S. [Author]; Silva, A. [Author]; Silva, C. [Author]; Simmons, P. A. [Author]; Simpson, J. [Author]; Blackman, K. [Author]; Simpson-Hutchinson, J. [Author]; Sinha, A. [Author]; Sipilä, S. K. [Author]; Sips, A. C. C. [Author]; Sirén, P. [Author]; Sirinelli, A. [Author]; Sjöstrand, H. [Author]; Skiba, M. [Author]; Skilton, R. [Author]; [...]Overview of the JET results in support to ITERView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear fusion 57(10), 102001 (2017). doi:10.1088/1741-4326/aa5e28
Moradi, Sara [Author]; Anderson, Johan [Author]; Aggarwal, K. M. [Author]; Bìlkovà, P. [Author]; Shepherd, A. [Author]; Shevelev, A. [Author]; Shumack, A. [Author]; Sias, G. [Author]; Sibbald, M. [Author]; Sieglin, B. [Author]; Silburn, S. [Author]; Silva, A. [Author]; Silva, C. [Author]; Simmons, P. A. [Author]; Binda, F. [Author]; Simpson, J. [Author]; Simpson-Hutchinson, J. [Author]; Sinha, A. [Author]; Sipilä, S. K. [Author]; Sips, A. C. C. [Author]; Sirén, P. [Author]; Sirinelli, A. [Author]; Sjöstrand, H. [Author]; Skiba, M. [Author]; [...]Global scaling of the heat transport in fusion plasmasView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Physical review research 2(1), 013027 (2020). doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013027