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  1. Joye, George [Author]

    The subuersio[n] of Moris false foundacion : where upon he sweteth to set faste and shove under his shameles shoris, to vnderproppe the popis churche: made by George Ioye

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    [[Antwerp]: M.D.xxxiiii. at Emdon by Jacob Aurick [i.e. G. von der Haghen, 1534]] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  2. Biblia cum summarioru[m] apparatu pleno quadrupliciq[ue] repertorio insignita : cui vltra castigatione[m] dilige[n]tissima[m] & signanter in vocabulario dictionu[m] hebraicar[um] vbi p[ro] maiori sui parte erat mendosa & vitiosa

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    Lugduni: Mareschal [d.Ä.] [für Simon Vincent], 1519 ; Online-Ausg., Stuttgart: Württembergische Landesbibliothek, 2011

  3. Ablikim, M. [Author]; Achasov, M. N. [Author]; Bennett, J. V. [Author]; Jing, F. F. [Author]; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. [Author]; Kavatsyuk, M. [Author]; Kopf, B. [Author]; Kornicer, M. [Author]; Kühn, W. [Author]; Lai, W. [Author]; Lange, J. S. [Author]; Larin, P. [Author]; Leyhe, M. [Author]; Bertani, M. [Author]; Li, C. H. [Author]; Li, Cheng [Author]; Li, Cui [Author]; Li, D. M. [Author]; Li, F. [Author]; Li, G. [Author]; Li, H. B. [Author]; Li, J. C. [Author]; Li, K. [Author]; Li, Lei [Author]; [...]

    Partial wave analysis of ψ(2S)→ppˉη

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    Soc., 2013

    Published in: Physical review / D 88(3), 032010 (2013). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032010

  4. Tyndale, William [Author] ; Joye, George [Other]; Crowley, Robert [Other]

    The supper of the Lorde : After the true meaning of the sixte of John and the .xi. of the fyrst epistle to the Corinthia[n]s, wherunto is added an epystle to the reader. And incidently in the expositio[n] of the supper: is co[n]futed the letter of master More agaynst John Fryth

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    [London: J. Day?], Anno .M.CCCCC.xxxiii. v. day of Apryll. [1533, i.e. 1547?] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  5. Tyndale, William [Author] ; Joye, George [Other]

    The souper of the Lorde : wher vnto, that thou mayst be the better prepared and suerlyer enstructed: haue here firste the declaracion of the later parte of the .6. ca. of S. Joha[n], beginninge at the letter C. the fowerth lyne before the crosse, at these wordis: merely were. [et]c wheryn incidently M. Moris letter agenst Johan Frythe is confuted

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    [Imprinted at Nornburg [i.e. Antwerp? or London?]: By Niclas twonson [i.e. N. Hill?], 5 April. An. 1533] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  6. Czyzcykiewicz, R. [Author]; Moskal, P. [Author]; Kamys, B. [Author]; Khoukaz, A. [Author]; Kilian, K. [Author]; Klaja, P. [Author]; Lorentz, B. [Author]; Oelert, W. [Author]; Piskor-Ignatowicz, B. [Author]; Przerwa, J. [Author]; Rejdych, B. [Author]; Ritman, J. [Author]; Adam, H.-H. [Author]; Sefzick, T. [Author]; Siemaszko, M. [Author]; Smyrski, J. [Author]; Täschner, A. [Author]; Ulbrich, K. [Author]; Winter, P. [Author]; Wolke, M. [Author]; Wüstner, P. [Author]; Zipper, W. [Author]; Budzanowski, A. [Author]; Czerwinski, E. [Author]; [...]

    Mechanism of Near-Threshold Production of the eta Meson

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    APS, 2007

    Published in: Physical review letters 98, 122003 (2007). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.122003

  7. Frith, John [Author]

    A disputacio[n] of purgatorye made by Ioh[a]n Frith which is deuided in to thre bokes. The first boke is an answere vnto Rastell, which goeth aboute to proue purgatorye by naturall phylosophye. The seconde boke answereth vnto Sir Thomas More, which laboureth to proue purgatorye by scripture. The thirde boke maketh answere vnto my lorde of Rochestre which most leaneth vnto the doctoures

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    [Antwerp: S. Cock, 1531?] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  8. Fulke, William [Author]

    Ad Thomæ Stapletoni professoris regii & ordinarij in Academia Duacena : co[n]trouersiarum cauillationes & calumnias in sua principiorum doctrinalium demo[n]stratione methodica, contra satisfactionem ad Rishtoni postulata quædam, lib. 4. cap. 10. & 11. adhibitas, Guilielmi Fulconis Angli Aulæ Pembrochianæ in Cantabrigiensi Academia præfecti responsio

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    Londini: [Typis Thomæ Dawson] impensis Georgij Bishop, 1579 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  9. Tyndale, William [Author]

    An answere vnto Sir Thomas Mores dialoge made by Vvillyam Tindale. First he declareth what the church is, and geveth a reason of certayne wordes which Master More rebuketh in the tra[n]slacion of the newe Testament. After that he answereth particularlye vnto everye chaptre which semeth to haue anye apperaunce of truth thorow all his .iiij. bokes

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    [Antwerp: S. Cock, 1531] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  10. Döring, M. [Author]; Ajaka, J. [Author]; Fantini, A. [Author]; Fichen, L. [Author]; Gervino, G. [Author]; Ghio, F. [Author]; Girolami, B. [Author]; Giusa, A. [Author]; Guidal, M. [Author]; Hourany, E. [Author]; Kunne, R. [Author]; Lapik, A. [Author]; Assafiri, Y. [Author]; Sandri, P. L. [Author]; Moricciani, D. [Author]; Muskarenkov, A. [Author]; Nedorezov, V. [Author]; Oset, E. [Author]; Randieri, C. [Author]; Rudnev, N. [Author]; Russo, G. [Author]; Schaerf, C. [Author]; Sperduto, M. [Author]; Bartalini, O. [Author]; [...]

    Simultaneous Photoproduction of eta and pi0 Mesons on the Proton

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    APS, 2008

    Published in: Physical review letters 100, 052003 (2008). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.052003