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  1. Bullord, John [Other]

    A curious collection of books, in divinity, history, and philology; in Greek, Latin, Italian, French, and English, in all volumes : Will be sold by auction, on Tuesday June 11th, 1695. and the following days, at three in the afternoon, at Tom's coffee house adjoyning to Ludgate. By John Bullord. Conditions of sale. 1. The highest bidder is the buyer, &c. 2 The books for ought we know are perfect; if any apopear otherwise before they be taken away, the buyer has his choice of taking or leaving them 3. That every person give in his name and place of abode, paying also 5s. in the pound for what he shall buy, and be obliged to take them away, and pay the remaining part of the money at the place of sale, within 3 days after it be ended; the buyer also paying porteridge. 4. None to bid less that 6 d. a time, when a book arises above 10 s. Catalogues may be had at Mr. Notts in the Pall-mall; Mr. Ropers at the Black Boy in Fleetstreet; Mr. Richard Parkers on the Piazza under the Royal Exchange, book-sellers, and at the place of sale

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    [London: s.n, 1695] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  2. Coga, Nathaniel [Author]

    Bibliotheca cogiana : sive Catalogus diversorum librorum bibliothecæ ornatissimæ R.D.D. Nath. Cogæ, Nuperrime Magist. Aulæ Pembrok, in Acad. Cantab. defuncti; quinetiam variis libris modernis in quavis facultate selectissimis adauctæ. Quorum auctio habebitur in gratiam præclariss. Cantabrig. Academ. apud insigne Falconis in vico vulgò dicto Petty-Cury, Novemb. 27. 1694. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliop. Lond

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    [Cambridge]: Catalogues are given by Mr. W. Graves. Mr. S. Simson. Mr. R. Green. Mr. Dawson. And by Mr. Wilkins, at the Kings Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard, London, 1694 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  3. Bullord, John [Author]

    An excellent collection of books : consisting of fathers, historians, philologists, &c. of Aldus, Stephanus, and other the best editors: with near a compleat set of all the common and statute law books of this kingdom of the exactest editions. Also a curious collection of modern English books in all volumes. The library of an eminent serjeant at law, lately deceased. Which will be sold by auction of Toms Coffee-house, adjoyning to Ludgate, on Monday the 2d. of July, 1694 and the days following, beginning at three in the afternoon. By John Bullord. Conditions of sale. 1. The bidder is the buyer, &c. 2. The books for ought we know are perfect; if any appear otherwise before they are taken away, the buyer has his choice of taking or leaving them ... Catalogues may be had gratis at Mr. Hargraves in Holburn, Mr. Partridge at Charing cross. bookseller;; [sic] Mr. Goodwins in Fleet-street and at the place of sale

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    [London: s.n, sold July 2 1694] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  4. Davis, Richard [Author]

    Catalogi variorum librorum : in quavis lingua & facultate insignium, tam antiquorum quam recentium Richard Davis bibliopolæ : pars quarta, una cum libris theologicis instructissimæ bibliothecæ R.V. Dr. Pocockii linguæ arabicæ professoris nuperrime defuncti : quorum auctio (in gratiam & commodum doctissimorum academiæ Oxoniensis) habebitur apud domum auctionariam `e regione ecclesiæ D. Michaelis, Aprilis 11, 1692

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    [London]: Per Edoardum Millingtonum, [1692] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  5. Davis, Richard [Author]

    Catalogi variorum : in quavis lingua & facultate insignium tam antiquorum quam recentium librorum Richardi Davis bibliopolæ : pars tertia : quorum auctio (in gratiam & commodum eruditorum) Oxoniæ habenda est in bibliotheca ejusdem Rich. Davis prope ecelesiam B. Mariæ Virg., Junii 1688

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    [London]: Per Gulielmum Cooper, [1688] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  6. Pitt, Moses [Author] ; University of Oxford

    A catalogue of books printed at the Theater in Oxford, since the first printing there, which was in the year 1672, to 1682 (with several others): and sold in London, by Moses Pitt at the Angel against the Great North-door of St. Pauls-Church 1682. Those with an asterisc are printed at the Theater

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    [London]: sold by Moses Pitt, 1682 ; Ann Arbor, Mich, 1999

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  7. Wilson, Samuel [Author]

    Catalogus variorum librorum theologicorum, juridicorumque : Cum aliis libris Latinis, Anglicisque. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud domum auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni, in vico vulgo dicto Ave-Mary lane prope Ludgate-Street secundo die Aprilis, 1683

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    [London]: Catalogues are distributed gratis, at Richard's coffee-house in Fleet-street, at Dove's coffee-house in Spread-Eagle-Court over against Gray's-Inn-Gate in Gray's-Inn-Lane, and at the Black-Boy coffee-house, near the above-named auction-house, in Ave-Mary Lane, 1683 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  8. Brooke, Samuel [Author]

    Catalogus librorum bibliothecæ reverend. & eruditi viri D. Samuelis Brooke, aulæ Catharinæ quondam socius. Quorum auctio habenda est Londini, ad insigne Pelicani in vico vulgo dicto Little-Britain vicessimo primo Martii 1680/81. Per Gulielmi Cooper bibliopolam

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    [London]: The catalogues are ready to be distributed gratis at the Pelican in Little-Britain, London, [1681] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  9. Overton, John [Author]

    A catalogue of books, pictures, and maps : Neately cut in copper, being very pleasant ornaments for houses, studies and closets, and also extraordinary useful for goldsmiths, iewellers, chafers, gravers, painters, carvers, embroiderers drawers, needle-women, and all handicrafts. All made and sold by John Overton at the White Horse without Newgate. Five hundred new sorts of birds, beasts, fish, flies, wormes, flowers, fruites, figures, histories, landskips, ovals, neately cut in copper, and neatly coloured, for gentlewomens works, and he is a doing more as fast as time will permit

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    [London: s.n, 1675?] ; Ann Arbor, Mich, 1999

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  10. London, William [Author] ; London, William [Other]

    A catalogue of new books, by way of supplement to the former : Being such as have been printed from that time, till Easter-Term, 1660

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    London: printed by A.M. and are to be sold by Luke Fawn at the Parrot in Pauls Church-yard, and Francis Tyton at the three Daggers in Fleetstreet, 1660 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  11. London, William [Author]

    A catalogue of the most vendible books in England : orderly and alphabetically digested; under the heads of divinity, history, physick, and chyrurgery, law, arithmetick, geometry, astrologie, dialling, measuring land and timber, gageing, navigation, architecture, horsmanship, faulconry, merchandize, limning, military discipline, heraldry, fortification and fire-works, husbandry, gardening, romances, poems, playes, &c. With Hebrew, Greek, and Latin books, for schools and scholars. The like work never yet performed by any

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    London: [s.n.], printed in the year 1658 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  12. Bullord, John [Author]

    The library of the right reverend Father in God, John Lloyd, D.D. late lord bishop of St. David's, and Vice-chancellor of Oxford : Containing the councils, fathers, commentators and ecclesiastical historians; the Greek, Roman, English and other historians, the philologers, poets, orators and criticks of the best editions in Greek, Latin, English, &c. To which is added, a curious collection of English books in divinity, history, and other faculties, in all volumes. Which will be sold by auction at Tom's Coffee-House adjoyning to Ludgate, on Monday the sixth of February next, and the following days, at three in the afternoon. By John Bullord

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    [London]: Catalogues may be had gratis, of Tho. Leigh and O. Midwinter at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr. Edw. Castle at Scotland-Yard Gate; Mr. Tooke at the Middle Temple-Gate; Mr. Brab. Aylmer at the Three Pigeons in Cornhill; Mr. Pisley in Oxon, and Mr. Jeffrey in Cambridge; and at the Place of Sale, 1699 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  13. A collection of modern English books : consisting of divinity, morality, history, geography, travels, voyages, poetry, plays, miscellanies, mathematicks, physick, law, &c. To be sold by auction at Batson's Coffee-House, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, on Tuesday the 31st of October, 1693. Begining exactly at three in the afternoon. Conditions of sale. I. He that bids most is the buyer; but if any difference arise, which the company can't decide, the book to be re-exposed. II. The books, for ought we know, are perfect; if any appear otherwise, before they are taken away, the buyer has his choice to take or leave them. III. That every person be obliged to give in his name, and place of abode, paying also five shillings in the pound for what he buyes, and be obliged to take away his books within three days after the sale is ended. Catalogues are distrubuted at Mr. Hargrave's bookseller in Holbourn, Mr. Partridge's at Charing-Cross, at Tom's Coffee-house near Ludgate, and at the place of sale, where the books may be viewed the Friday and Saturday before the sale begins

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    [London: s.n, 1693] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  14. A catalogue of Latin, French, and English books on several subjects, which will be sold by auction : The sale to begin on Munday the 2d. of May, 1692 betwixt three and four in the afternoon, and continue daily, till all be sold, at the Black Loon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, amongst the wollen-drapers

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    [S.l: s.n, 1692] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  15. Millington, Edward [Author]

    Bibliotheca Jacombiana, sive Catalogus variorum librorum : plurimis facultatibus insignium instructissimæ bibliothecæ Rev. Doct. Thomæ Jacomb, S.T.D. (Honoratiss. comitissæ Exoniensi Domestici capellani) nuperrimè Lond. defuncti. quorum auctio habebitur Londini, in ædibus Nigri Cygni ex adverso australis porticus Ecclesiæ Cathed. Paulin. in Cæmiterio D. Paul. 31 die Octobris 1687

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    [London]: Catalogues are distributed at 6d. per catal. from Mr. Notts at the Queens Arms in Pell-Mell. Mr. Fox's shop in Westminster-Hall. Mr. Wilkinson's at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet. Mr. William Miller's at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard. Mr. Samuel Crouch's at the corner of Popes-head Alley in Cornhil. Mr. Benj. Shirley at the Auction House in Oxon. Mr. Edward Hall in Cambridge, booksellers, 1687 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO